Wednesday, January 21, 2015

12:00 noon

A Birthday Gift for mica twitter beloved friend, hikarin. This time I made a side story of the melody of time and collaborate with his story, and Niwatorid. direct only enjoyed the story ^^
12:00 noon "uuughhh beraaaat!" Cried the girl with black hair short upset. In both by hand, there are two shopping bags full of a variety of foodstuffs. It seemed difficult to carry it but nobody who help him. The heat of the sun in the summer today also add hot head. Suddenly from the back, shoulders patted by someone. baskets "Why are you spending alone hic" girl long tasseled horses standing behind samabil smiling. It seems he had just come home from school because of a uniform dark blue sailor was still attached to his body. Hika, short-haired girl was immediately saw the face of disgust. "Bantuin dong, ar. Clay ga ya groceries much is this? "Hika immediately handed a bag of groceries that to Arisu. With a little confused, Arisu receive the bag and walked together to the place from the beginning he was headed. "Sorry, deh. But the 'why tumben you go shopping alone, hic? "Asked Arisu curious. "I dare to be punished. The penalty yes treat them all dinner shopping. Not have thought if they eat a lot of well yes "answer baskets hika" hoo so if another cooking baskets tasks do not run away. Just know it if they eat a lot? "" I 'can not cook right ar "Arisu forget that hika can not cook. They both walked through a small alley that is somewhat hidden behind a quiet residential population. At the end of the lane there is a vacant house abandoned by its original inhabitants somewhere and now where it used be a gathering place by a group of people, and hika Arisu is a founder baskets and member of the association. As they entered the house perkarangan, a red-haired girl who was hanging laundry to call them, beside a girl who seems to difficulties in carrying a laundry basket that looks a lot. "Arisu yo! Tumben new home today "the red-haired girl smiling as she tied her hair that long. "Ordinary, picket duty sai" he relaxed. Arisu put her shopping bags in the house and then out again to help them both. "Kyaa! Blanket! "Ayano, who had been carrying a basket suddenly surprised. Strong wind gusts suddenly came and blew her wash up high. Arisu and hika immediately pursue baskets the cloth quickly. Apparently, the cloth fell near a tree not far from where they were. When hika lifted the cloth, they realize there is something down there. "Ma ... food ..." baskets came a voice from under the cloth. When opened, no one under it and almost fainted. Without wasting any more time, they both immediately took him back to where they were.
19:00 A big bowl of ramen last had he spent to clean. Total 3 plate has he spent earlier. Apparently he really starving from yesterday. Once created eat, he took off his jacket and put his bowl. "Thank you for the food. Sorry suddenly troublesome hehe "he bowed politely, smiling. "Who are you? How to starve so? "Asked Ayano confused. "Ah sorry forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ami Shirahime. I accidentally came here and did not have any money so hungry. Which can not go home again too "answer that makes everyone who was there consider it seriously. "If so ... you can not go home because of money?" Asked Arisu carefully. "It is not like that. Actually, if I tell you also would not believe "replied ami. "So what?" Asked Ayano again. "Not the money, I wear this to berpidah-move" ami issued a silver pocket watch he kept in his jacket pocket. Ayano closer look but do not understand what it means. How can such a small thing can make the move? "... Do not hit your head, right?" Asked hika anxious. "I suspected you would not believe it before seeing it. So ... let stay here for a while! I will help clean the house and do my best! Just until I can go home! "Said ami begged" how this ar? "Asked Saito to Arisu. Behind Ayano also viewed Arisu with confused. Decision that they give to Arisu "hmm baskets .. yes please taka pa, passable ngurangin can work because of a free helper" answered Arisu relaxed. "Maid ... okay ... thank you," replied ami by. "May I know your name?" She asked, "my name is Arisu Sakurada. You can call me Arisu "Arisu introduces himself while raising glasses down. "Kurone Hikari. Call hika only "short hika replied. "Ayano Suzune my name. People used to call me Ayano "Ayano smiled when he introduced himself. "Chikanatsu Saito, commonly called sai by their" magenta-haired girl was mengulurk

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