Friday, February 28, 2014

While your boyfriend at work send him a message or email that will contain only two letters: VT. Th

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Whether you represent love your partner for the first time or once again remind him how much you love him, it's the beginning of a relationship is often uncomfortable and nervous. That's why we give you the romantic idea that every woman will make it easier to tell the two sweet words - I love you. First Under the stars
One evening, suggest him to walk through the park and watch the starry ifb washing machine sky. There is virtually nothing is as romantic as enjoying the glow of the stars with your loved one. Hug him and quietly tell him how much you mean. Second In bed
If there is a home business that it is very obnoxious, like folding or ironing one evening to start work without any notice. When you give thanks, answer: Not at all. I do it because I love you. 4th With champagne
Wait for your man went into the shower, and then he sneaks up and write "I love you" on hold indefinitely ifb washing machine mirror. Silent ifb washing machine exit the bathroom and wait until he sees your message. 6th Sparkling love
Buy a few sprinklers and burn them together. When you feel that you observe, not sparkles, try to draw a heart in the air, and then winked at him. Track heart will be enough to keep him to see it. 7th On the heels
One evening a Spruce up as best you can and take the buzz. After a few cocktails (but not too much), zagledajte in his man obviously tell him how much you love him. Such recognition will, when it hears from you at its best, and in a public place, do you proud that such a cat chose him. 8th Oldschool love
As our parents worked eighties with tapes, ifb washing machine cut his favorite songs on the CD. Try to find a song whose lyrics refer to nekevažne and joyous moments in your relationship or that mention your name. Then the disk type: Honey, I love you or something and hide it in his belongings to him accidentally found. 9th During working hours
While your boyfriend at work send him a message or email that will contain only two letters: VT. This will put a smile on your face and the way you have your own coded language ifb washing machine that both understand immediately. 10th Love always, love is everywhere
The next time you be doing something typical for men - rushing record in the game, strangled in the beer during Champions League matches, sitting next to him, massage him or Rub the back. In this way, you are sending a message that you support him and you do not mind to be a part of these annoying things men where he enjoys. Yes, it is love. And that touch you said it all.
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Thursday, February 27, 2014

In order to make your website with EU rules need to refresh the page with the terms of Policy to in

As the European Commission, the EU's unofficial government that does not match anyone in the EU for the purpose of defense of my privacy pulled a move comparable washer and dryer combo to the trade war with China, but the long half-decade, and related to the alleged dumping ironing boards (EC argues that China dampira ironing boards and recently even increased import duties since China began days planks dampirat more and more - in fact, as we all know, the industry boards board is extremely rich in an industry that has enough money to sell ironing boards below the price for decades, and thereafter intention of selling ironing boards, five times higher a few weeks until someone else again began to produce the extremely washer and dryer combo complex product ...)
The law applies to everyone that they have a page on the server in any of the EU countries, but also to all who have a page on a server outside the EU, but the content is targeted visitors from the EU. The law will "hook" washer and dryer combo and if you have a mobile application that you're offering at a European trade applications.
In order to make your website with EU rules need to refresh the page with the terms of Policy to inform visitors about the way they use cookies. It is desirable to inform the user that the site uses "cookies", notice is not required if running "cookies" only for storing information necessary for the functioning of the site, such as the products in the cart.
Some sort of plans to the EU or member states, begins to gather less information about its citizens, admittedly, are not mentioned. Telecom washer and dryer combo operators continue to be collected prints invites its customers and, if necessary, to give the EU / Member States, the banks should be giving all countries live information about their users, the logic is guilty until proven otherwise, and that the regulation spreads, and so on, and so on ...
Third, the only thing this regulation results in a cost for service providers on the Internet (either in terms of the implementation washer and dryer combo of any penalties), the growth of bureaucracy, and irritation website washer and dryer combo visitors.
there are others, and also, surfing is not obligatory
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Gastronomes will come into its own in the restaurant of the Arena Center. There you will find diffe

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Gastronomes will come into its own in the restaurant of the Arena Center. There you will find different types of cuisine such as Chinese, Thai or domestic. Little motel prices in Zagreb Altis

Monday, February 24, 2014

Did I wrote that they have something wrong? In my live in perfect harmony. Here are a couple posts

Read in "Novaya Gazeta" interview with not something ge washer parts new, not the old culture minister. Used probably ge washer parts be the right thing. With a pretty ambitious title "demonstrate compliance". Although proven in my opinion, in this case only one. The "Say what you will, and I had offered you all dick." The most interesting thing in every interview he naturally ge washer parts questioner. Benefit heroine immediately warned that loves to tell the truth. And did not disappoint. And then there was, in fact, the truth itself. I will not wag once again the words of the minister - who wants to read himself. Only share their personal experience. The minister of culture absolutely no idea of the cultural layer. The fact that culture is primarily the fact that you created before. Such an idea has developed probably due to contact ge washer parts with modern creators. Representatives ge washer parts of creative unions and those who used to be called architects. Which is quite natural. These people, first and foremost ge washer parts need to push and its principle of "Shakespeare does not cross Sophocles' not for them. Because you want to eat. And do not carry bags. For these people Rybakov her statement that culture should drag up - their minister. Because this approach will always and projects and subsidies. And cuts, kickbacks, which is already there ... But what about those who believe that culture should provide ge washer parts a basis? Footing? Does not work, that while we strive to create a new value of which is still unknown, but most often is already known, we lose the values that had before. Rybakov ge washer parts is proud that it has allocated money to young writers and they have already been published. Who read it? And even more people who read it? Not be better to use a little effort to popularize the same Edward Kondratova or Vladimir Burtovoi? And take care about the image of the region. I think it is no secret that the Samara region has long called the "black hole" in the cultural life of the Volga region. Deservedly, incidentally called. Just look at the state of the culture in the same Saratov, Ulyanovsk, I'm not talking about Tatarstan. And the last. Cultural policy in the regions now assumed ge washer parts that in Soviet times was called ge washer parts ideology. And passed on to another agency. By the way, responsible for the ideology was the second person in the party hierarchy. Think nothing? Then why the USSR collapsed long ago, vanished CPSU and their ideology alive and kicking? ge washer parts Because honored ge washer parts covenant that left his heirs still formidable sotryasatel universe Genghis Khan "win souls and their bodies are not going anywhere." So Merkoushkin yet to thank Konstantin friend a present for this
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Did I wrote that they have something wrong? In my live in perfect harmony. Here are a couple posts below for an example of such love - Christ Cathedral Syzran. The achievements of our Ministry of Culture ge washer parts in the protection of monuments and historic buildings is much written ge washer parts
And things Archaeology Astapov almshouse for political disabled Magnificent Century Volga Bulgaria Next Sizran! Dreams Gulistan Dates Riddles stone towers Compatriots ge washer parts Corral Golden Horde Islam Movies Books Books of my childhood MIA Merkushin Monster Incorrect treasure Freemasons New Russian Barakki The benefits of reading books Ostrovsky How much is opium for the people ge washer parts Psevdobiznes Saransk ge washer parts Svirina Skopichenko Slates old cemetery Syzranskaya policy Syzranskaya shadow ge washer parts Turkish prisoners of war tourism Leaving Sizran Hlystovschina What was that? Shelest unwritten books Economy This laundry?

Sunday, February 23, 2014

passed by reference. that theme was created in 2009, now I remember, in 2013 already konchaetsya.Ho

tell me, who knows launderette - Klinery.rf - about cleaning and Cleaner
Home Useful Technologies for Business Analytics Documentation Map CLEANER Tenders Training begins Cleaner Cleaning Cleaning educational program Russian School Map CA News Events Business Real Estate cleaning cleaning About News Digest Portal Community Blogs Cleaning Forum Photo Editor / Video Technology For all cleaning cleaning business training in cleaning Cleaning Cleaning fun exhibition Who's Who Cleaning companies Suppliers Training 60 kg Centers Journals Members Shop Seminars and benefits Chemicals for cleaning equipment cleaning equipment cleaning equipment for aqua-cleaning consumables for cleaning General Discussion FAQ Questions about the portal to RSHK Questions Technical Questions Legal Issues
Hello Prompt please the most efektivnost method of harvesting in the railway depot repair of locomotives. I ... November 28, 2013 - More ...
passed by reference. that theme was created in 2009, now I remember, in 2013 already konchaetsya.Hotelos to have newer information. But anyway 60 kg thank you very much! Try to ping list, maybe some laundry still alive :) Unfortunately, in Moscow everything changes very quickly, and not for the better for the Muscovites, especially in the center, 60 kg was a bakery - has become a boutique grocery store was - became a restaurant, There was a market where you could buy fresh and inexpensive - became mall prices through the roof.
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Saturday, February 22, 2014

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My cousin worked in a barber shop, and with her help I got on the course, so during the war worked

Anna Bogdanova, a hairdresser in the siege - about how her mother in autumn 1941 stocked bran and cabbage leaves collecting, preparing for a hungry winter. Photo: Catherine Tolkacheva
Just two days before the start of the war, June 19, we checked with his parents to the country in Gatchina District, the village 100 kg Salezi. 22th went for a walk in the woods, and when they returned, the radio announced the beginning of the war. At night, of course, no one slept: through 100 kg our village were troops, tanks.
After 7th grade I went to pharmaceutical school in the Tatar side street, but in September we just about two weeks and had finished studying. Once, when I had to go to class, 100 kg on Grand Avenue in the theater was a movie and I decided to go to classes instead of in the movies. Once started the film, air-raid sirens sounded: the city was bombed. We were transferred to the shelter, and then I went home. The next morning one of the school buildings were destroyed - it was bombed. Things then stopped.
During one of the bombing at the house on the corner Chkalauski severed. In this house lived my classmate, 100 kg so he fled to a friend's pre-alarm, and my mother was sick and stayed. When the bomb fell, his mother hung on the bed corner of the house torn off - and it hangs. Saved her, of course.
Disastrous fire in our area was in February. All the terrible winter of 1942 we lived on the corner Lakhtinskaya and Chkalov: whereas in homes no water, no light was gone. In the courtyard of our house stood a one-story building - laundry. Mom washed linen there, because 100 kg by the time everything is already infested with lice. And for the water we drove on the gas street - where the tube was taken out of the basement. We have water on dung, wood was, but still had to rinse the laundry. And my mom says, "You can go with a barrel on a sled in the water?". But I was there gathering a water? There crane constantly flowing, slippery, people fall all bottled. And I took my mother, I say, let's go together. Once we went to Chkalov, drove to the corner - the shelling began. It was scary: I have all the coat was torn by shrapnel. When the attack was over, we went back to his home and - horror of horrors! Shell exploded in the air directly above the laundry room, the wall fell away from her, and the two houses beside there was no glass. Photo Antebellum children out of the yard, where she lived Anna. Checkboxes marked those who have not become
December 1941 was terrible: there was no food for almost a month. On the corner was a small Chkalov Dairy Store: nights we were there standing in line with the cards. New Year's Eve we all otovarilas cards - we were rich, we have something for the holiday! 100 kg Actually, I think we then have survived here whereby: my mom in 1918, has already experienced famine in Petrograd - she knew what it was. Once the war began, she immediately went to the Small Prospect Avenue CSHorsa 100 kg then - there was a feeding stall. There brought bran, Durand, and Mom took me to stand in line. All this for the cattle, but my mom agreed 100 kg and we were given wheat bran, ten pounds. And I was so ashamed in the yard a lot of guys, and we had drag these plates.
As a result of Durand and bran baked cakes. And as early as September, 100 kg when ripe cabbage, mum went to the farm "Brooks" for the hospital and collected Mechnikov cabbage leaves. But such chased by mounted police. One day she took me with her, I was sitting behind the bushes, it will tear-tear, as we shall see the police - escapes. So we've put together a couple of bags. Then he let loose in the laundry cold water and wash each leaf, this mom chopped cabbage and strew salt. We have turned this sauerkraut - in its blockade called "Hrjapa" green soup. Her mother and her relatives saved: jar impose - will carry one sister, another.
My cousin worked in a barber shop, and with her help I got on the course, so during the war worked as a hairdresser. In early March, 42 th we opened the first barber shop in our neighborhood, on the street Maxim Gorky. As it was scary! Send us mostly children - of course, all lousy. Many people came because hot water as no one was, and we heated water on a kerosene stove.
But despite the fact that my mother was so energetic woman, she fell ill. And I began to ask, "carry me out of the city." I had to quit my job and we were evacuated to the city of Cherepovets. I was there one year with her pobyla, and then in February, the 44th year of recruitment back here, work at the plant "Bolshevik". First worked as a cleaner, and then when I turned 100 kg 18, I was sent to work as a loader. Worn and logs, and the wood and cement - it was hard work.
Once the war began, my mother 100 kg immediately went to the feeding stall. There brought bran, Durand, and Mom took me to stand in line. And I was so ashamed in the yard a lot of guys, and we had drag these plates
We went through a lot, and I still think that was good. And the house of culture we had at the plant, the artists came while working on "Bolshevik", while I was educated at the school for working youth. Was a difficult time. Years now as d

Thursday, February 20, 2014

AMERIKANSCHINA American City Walks small town America Museums, galleries and other Parks and garden

Did you know that in America there is a laundry? And it turns out, laundry - an integral part of American cities. The fact that in some apartment complexes, especially prixe if one-room, washing machines simply do not, and can not install the machine itself. So laundry is in almost every area. I always wondered - in a country where convenience and kamfort on one of the first places - lack of such an elementary pleasure as windshield + drying. At the weekend, on the road to the park, looked at one of these laundries: prixe Well, look inside ... 1. General: prixe 2. Washing machines: 3. Dryers: prixe 4. Here's prixe a machine for payment. Judging by the inscription - it is a pleasure $ 1.75 5. While belishko erased, prixe you can sit and look through magazines 6. Various warning signs: No smoking, alcohol drinking is not ... If that happens, no one is responsible for anything ... 7. Bags and washing powders can be bought here: 8. And while there is a process - you can taste the chips with gazirovochkoy: Enjoy washing!
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more convenient to take your dirty laundry, take him to the laundry protorchat there for several hours until it is erased, then dry, then still unclear iron wrong there same, or at home. than just run into the washing machine and go about their business?
Well, actually in the same America (in most states) only rather expensive appartmetnah (or if more than 2-bedrum) usually windshield-drying directly in the apartment and in the mainstream - a common laundry room in appartmetn komples (paid, which is typical ). In the small appartmet komples usually owners and territories do not have to laundry (total), and very often those who rent apartments in the private prixe beysmentah prixe Domon not bother installing stiralki for tenants. So there is someone to wash in urban ladromatah :) Puteshestvuschim again :)
Yes, all it is ... the way, I wanted to write that "in most apartment complexes," but decided not to generalize, wrote "some" prixe :-))) And for traveling, so it's all a big blessing ! :)
But I'm not even remember in Russia such - self-service. Sometimes while I identity in laundry prixe drags, in St. Petersburg, but there was no self-service. There had to be taken by all and take, usually the next day ...
Can thus limit water consumption in homes? Water in Building prixe appartment usually included in the rent. Without washing prixe machines deshevle.Poetomu in private homes, where their water need to pay out of pocket, prixe no restrictions on the washing machine does not. After washing laundry in such things no one pats and they look respectively. So what treasure became Renting cleaning: always perfectly ironed and much longer lifetime.
I went into the habit of cleaning pass so quickly and easily, and still can, because next to us is quite inexpensive. Laundry on your photos can only rejoice-so clean and comfortable. We have gradually become Chinese, and in the sense of cleanliness and modern type comparison is not in their favor. Before that, even loved laundry opposite the house for comfort, cleanliness and modern comfort. Now, you can not learn, prixe do not want to go once again. With home washing is certainly not going to compare, but we have a ban on in-house washing machine.
Yeah, that's why all the people .... I still litter the windshield with luck - and in the first place, and now - the windshield prixe right in quartiles ... although home laundry, especially drying, spoil the good things, it would be better to clean pass, but too lazy to trudge.
AMERIKANSCHINA American City Walks small town America Museums, galleries and other Parks and gardens Natural World Water landscape mountain landscape scenery Other Heavenly scenery Flowers and plants eccentricities Nature Animals Beasts Birds Fauna LIVING Cat in Just Life People Retro Events Miscellaneous

Well, we will not question the right of newspapers in this formulation. Understand that we live in

Perhaps readers will agree that "2000" privadis has been and remains a harsh critical researcher coming Ukraine agreement on association and free trade zone with the EU, as, indeed, any other solutions, crucial for the country. However, on the pages of our publication were presented different perspectives, that the reader himself can assess arguments "for" and "against."
The sadder to observe the general discourse in the media and the Ukraine, and Russia, where the debate is increasingly giving way propaganda, often quite repugnant. In the Russian media, in particular, this discourse about the alleged privadis "care Ukraine" is reminiscent of the squabbles of the trial of divorce and child support, masterfully privadis described the unforgettable Michael Zoschenko: "I say, I know whose intrigues. This is - say - Maruska Kovrova upset about my money. And I - I say - he get thirty two Dollars. Give ten seventy five - well it will be? I - I say - so, in tattered pants go. And then - I say - in parallel with this Maruska pianos will buy batiste privadis and garters on my money. Ugh - I say - a failure, what kind of trouble! " privadis
Russian privadis newspaper "Culture" - edition without a doubt, quality, solid. With high credo rendered in the subtitle: "Spiritual Russian space of Eurasia." The newspaper reminds that she - "one of the oldest national newspapers with more than 80-year history." Therefore carries a wide audience, privadis as stated, "landmarks, values, privadis meanings."
Well, we will not question the right of newspapers in this formulation. Understand that we live in the world of real politics, where, according to the classics, all are equal, but some are more equal. And in a world of such examples are countless. For example, the United States and Canada. Oh, how connected economically, culture, privadis language and other things, but nevertheless from time to time, for example, in Canada debating not we too, they say, are tied to the U.S.? Should not we be posamostoyatelney in international affairs? privadis Another famous Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau spoke of the great neighbor privadis that, well, it's hard to sleep next to an elephant, especially when he snores ...
The lowest number of respondents - 13% - chose ironic "Games politicians do not interfere friendship Russian Ukrainian vodka and bacon." However, and this option with deep meaning: Russian and Ukrainians so interconnected personal ties that this should be considered in any activity.
There can be no podiskutiruesh, as they say, civilized and tolerant. This approach privadis offers the opponent, excuse the expression, to quarrel method "itself is!" And well-known character in the style of the film "Brother 2" - cabdriver expat blame Russia privadis "for the sale of Homeland Americans Russian Baltic Serbs in the Balkans . "
Spend a poll any "yellow" a newspaper, privadis much less otvyazny blogger - questions would not have happened. But here the respected newspaper privadis with high name "Culture" ... Do not want to, and remember in this situation adaptirueshsya old anecdote: "Ale, this laundry? - (...) Chechnya! This newspaper "Culture" - the spiritual space of Eurasia Russian! "

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

- Never store a sleeping bag in his kompressionnike. The more you compress the insulation, the wors

Living history of the Ice Age Blog Archive How to store and wash the sleeping bag
My first sleeping bag was rectangular, for teenage parties, with yellow flannel lining, decorated with horses and flowers. After the first of my stay, I sent him into retirement: too cold, too heavy, too cumbersome two fold - and bought a down sleeping bag, mummy, two fold which is kept in kompressionnike throughout the winter. When I pulled it out next spring, my cozy cocoon was flatter than a pancake yesterday and less warm than my old flannel friend.
Regardless of whether you choose a sleeping bag with synthetic or feather-filled, so please treat it with care, as he deserves. Storage - After each trip your bag dry at least 24 hours before storing it.
- Never store a sleeping bag in his kompressionnike. The more you compress the insulation, the worse it is reduced, the more it loses its insulating properties. Very convenient two fold to use a compression bag in the campaign, but as soon as you get back home, empty your sleeping bag from an enclosed space, a good shake it to spread filler and store in a cool dry place. Spread it under the bed, hang in the closet or put into a large bag breathable (often comes in the kit). If you do not have such a bag, use a large pillowcase. Laundry - Wash your bag when he became smelly, dirty or badly matted, but not after every trip. For most people, this means once a year. Do not expose the sleeping bag dry cleaning, as harsh chemicals harmful to the materials. - For gentle and thorough cleaning contact your local laundry and use a bulk machine front loading. Drum that spins things in most home machines can twist or break the insulation fibers and fabric partitions (partitions inside the bag that hold the insulation in place). - Before washing unzip and move the slider to the middle of the bag on one side of the zipper. This ensures that the slider does not come off during washing. - Use warm water, gentle cycle, and 1/4 cup of mild detergent. Drying - "The key point is the extension of drying wet bag in the washing machine to the dryer," - says Bob Upton, president of the office equipment repair in Seattle. "When two fold the bag is wet and heavy, internal partitions and joints can easily be broken. Carefully reload the bag into a bowl, carefully trying to keep the whole bag, do not pull the part of the bag. Be the same caution when lying in the dryer bag. Prefer most bulk dryer, preferably a where you can squeeze yourself. "- For downy bags inside 6-12 throw tennis balls to help fluff deal. - Set the lowest and cold mode. To completely dry sleeping bag required two fold from 2 to 5 hours. - Periodically check the bag to make sure that the fabric is not too (piping) is hot and the insulation does not sleep, and did not work out a lump in one place. If he was going into a ball, remove the bag and dry it, lay on the surface. Additional Considerations - For those who went from sleeping granduncle: perhaps it can not be erased. To test the integrity of the bag, stick your hand inside two fold and grasp the lining. The other hand, hold the material on the front side of the bag and gently pull in different directions. If you hear a crackling sound of their thread or break, then the internal partitions (or seams) are damaged and need to be repaired before washing. - Bag with a spill-resistant outer membrane or cloth (with a waterproof or water-resistant/breathable shell) will score a lot of water, so be especially careful when carrying communication washing machine for drying. And prepare yourself for the fact that for the complete drying require 4-5 hours. - Detergents reduce the moisture barrier properties of materials. Treat your bag after each wash waterproof impregnation, which in the form of sprays can be found in Outdoor stores. two fold
Posted 16.02.2010v 17:29. Rubric: News, Gear. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can go to the end and leave your feedback, Ping yet closed. two fold Leave a comment
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Kuznechik (09 February 2014 - 00:15) wrote:

Posted 07 February 2014 - 21:59
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Want to be washed in hot water - buy stiralku. how to shrink a shirt Top Reply Quote
In our condo (South) laundri offers such a service how to shrink a shirt - laundry bag things without drying and ironing for 50 baht / share. Say, in the hot water wash, but still properly clean all bad, so I doubt it. Top Reply Quote
In our condo (South) laundri offers such a service - laundry bag things without drying how to shrink a shirt and ironing for 50 baht / share. how to shrink a shirt Say, in the hot water wash, but still properly clean all bad, so I doubt it. Do not hesitate! When they are in hot water wash - do not put detergent. Top Reply Quote
Do they? Where the piece is not accepted, but on the principle-slung 30-40 baht in the changer and erase. In my condo and nearby coin laundry typewriters erases only cold water. Desirable area of Naklua bring me, I'm on Naklua and I machine erases boiling water ........ dorohaaa but qualitatively)))))) Top Reply Quote
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MlekoUndYayki with Lucy harness. Ifs uoyu guys that vaskh vith hot Watery yust ascus avaut laundru vith hot Watery am Tae office how to shrink a shirt lobby uoyur Songdo. laundry [lɔ ː ndrɪ] Sash, Cho you kidding me? I say as heard [lɔ ː ndrɪ], but for some reason I write as "words" laundri))) And so almost all words in English)) pronouncing correctly, and if in Russian how to shrink a shirt write them - out: mother, brother, father etc.))) Top Reply Quote
Kuznechik how to shrink a shirt
To be honest, I am so it was easier to learn to write without errors)) pronounces the words "as it is written," and not as heard ... And in Russian as well. But problems remain with the syntax ... Top Reply Quote
so it was easier for me to learn to write well without errors. during the training phase it can somehow understand and forgive. but when it is learned, why continue to suffer uyney%? how to shrink a shirt - Clear ... Top Reply Quote
Kuznechik (09 February 2014 - 00:15) wrote:
Glossary for visionaries: mother - wasteful MCH dick, brother - dick of bread (for zechek), father - a thick dick and so on like this and neighing)) due to the fact that I taught English on their own without the teacher)) Latin - finally taxis)) Grant will not lie)) A school Francais and Deutsch - passed practically unnoticed. Like Russian, by the way. Top Reply Quote
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Monday, February 17, 2014

With the growing prosperity and decreasing free time urban residents appear harmful, according to t

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With the growing prosperity and decreasing free time urban residents appear harmful, according to the sellers washing machine wont erase things in the laundry room and not at home. Service price is low, uncomfortable in a home washing things quickly become clean and ironed, and whimsical things here will arrange dry cleaning not available at home. Important advantages of such facilities - convenient location and time, ease of placing the order, and the ideal laundry room is located near the client's home and works around the clock. It offers such a service DashLocker, a network of reception and delivery of items for laundry and dry cleaning services. "Make" competitors the company intends to start in the business place of the world - in Manhattan.
The company develops since 2012 in New York, a network of reception maytag dryer parts and delivery of clothing in two formats: outdoor point-to-shop and placed in an apartment building to serve its residents. Cleaning and washing DashLocker accepted clothing, footwear, bedding, pillows and more.
DashLocker customer to register and look for the most comfortable of branded points of acceptance of things. Reception centers operate around the clock without the staff here instead priemschitsa only lockers maytag dryer parts for things with programmable combination locks. The key to penetrate the dry cleaners walking distance is a plastic card payment client; same with her before getting clean things will be debited for the services of service.
Leaving free cell bag with dirty things, registered client simply lock the locker and wait. Have to wait for about two days when SMS report on readiness of the order and give information about cell delivery point and lock code. DashLocker client identifier is usually a corporate suit bag fitted with a unique label.
Most particularly busy or lazy citizens can order the delivery of clean things to your home or office. For customer convenience, laundry facilities are also provided maytag dryer parts online account, where you can see your order status and history of washings and cleanings every thing to make specific recommendations for cleaning items, etc.
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Dry-cleaning should jupiter hospital occupy an area which can be divided into 5 sectors: reception,

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Natural human need to wear clean clothes and use clean linen for the person jupiter hospital turns into a headache. To sort, wash, iron the clothes and the clothes need to allocate time, easier access to laundry facilities. jupiter hospital Laundry facilities are also necessary pre-school establishments and caterers. Therefore laundry cleaning today, demanded business.
To arrange a laundry plant requires special machines for laundry washing and drying. As well as ironing equipment, and mesh bags for washing trucks, shelving, chemicals and packaging bags. In total, the purchase jupiter hospital of equipment you will need 155 thousand rubles, another 45 thousand rubles consumed on rent, salaries, advertising.
Dry-cleaning should jupiter hospital occupy an area which can be divided into 5 sectors: reception, storage and sorting laundry, laundry, drying, ironing, packaging, jupiter hospital and delivery of clean laundry. It is worth noting that modern equipment silently, allowing even open laundry in the apartment building.
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Sunday, February 16, 2014

In the other room will wear underwear. In the third room should be done drying process. In the four

How to open your laundry for a living?
Not all people like to wash at home, and someone just not an option. Therefore, many are turning to the servants laundries. So open your laundry will be profitable. Your customers can be both private individuals and various organizations are constantly in need of clean underwear ...
In order to open a laundromat, you need to find a room. It is possible to rent, lease-purchase, or just buy. The room size should correspond to how much equipment will be there. Consider first how much you want to wash clothes. Typically, the space should be from 10 to 30 square meters.
Floor and walls up to a height of 2 meters should be finished with tiles. The floor should be constructed in such a manner. That it has the waterproofing properties. In the laundry room should be a few rooms. In one room, you must take and store dirty laundry.
In the other room will wear underwear. In the third room should be done drying process. In the fourth room will be ironed linen. And in the fifth room will be the issuance of clean underwear.
Once is selected room will need to purchase all the necessary equipment: washing machines, dryers, irons and ironing boards. And also need additional materials, which simply can not do: powders, bags for washing delicate laundry bags to pack clean underwear, shelves, hangers. It is best if all the materials you will acquire wholesale, so you can save significantly.
If your laundry will work organization, they can do are to avoid losing these potential customers. Because they will provide you a great amount of work and therefore do not pay small money.
To learn about your laundry. Will need to make a good advertisement. Give advertisements in newspapers, on TV. Print out flyers advertising and give the people of the city. Leave flyers in organizations. You can ring up their own companies and organizations offering their services.
Open the laundry is not difficult thing to keep start-up capital and a detailed business plan. Laundry will pay about a year. So what will make every effort to ensure that your business has developed and popular among the population ...
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Saturday, February 15, 2014

In the selected room is necessary to make the division into working sector, each of which will be m

More recently, self-service laundry or laundry factories with their reception centers were quite commonplace. Then firms offering similar services started to leave the market and niche that was once almost entirely filled, became empty.
And now, with very recently started to appear mini-laundry - a good investment, which brings its owner very good dividends. The license for this type of activity is not required and gradually mini-laundry again begin to return to the services washer market, day after day, finding increasing popularity.
Based on the planned number of equipment, which will have a laundry room, as well as the load of the work area required is determined by the company premises. The best option is to start the project by 25-30 sq.m. - Weight of such premises, and due to the fact that modern technology used for washing clothes small dimensions and high level soundproofing, mini-laundry can equip even in homes.
A number of requirements and fire inspection Sanepidemstantsii to premises, which may be located laundry, is not complicated and rapidly washer performed, even in a rented room. For example, the floor tiles must be applied, and must be trimmed tiled wall space to a height of at least two meters. Electrical equipment should comply with existing building codes and RB. Laundry is seen as a room with high humidity.
In the selected room is necessary to make the division into working sector, each of which will be made accordingly acceptance, storage and sorting laundry, linen provided laundry, drying, then - ironing, and finally - the packaging, washer storage and delivery washer of clean laundry already.
Equipment selection should be based on who will be your main customer, what will be the load capacity of the enterprise, as well as the regularity of incoming orders washer and the area leased under the mini-laundry room.
Equipment for such mini-laundry available, both domestic and various washer foreign manufacturers. The price range is huge - you can pick up equipment from almost anyone, even the most modest start-up capital. Standard set for start-up ventures - washing machine (one or more), tumble dryer and ironing equipment. Just need shelving for linen, nets and bags for packaging opportunities, supplies laundry trolleys.
Small Business - The site materials are protected washer by copyright law. When using the site materials, be sure to install a direct, active, visible to search engines link! WRITE TO U.S.

Friday, February 14, 2014

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Stretch ceilings. France Directory colors. Manufacture and installation of suspended ceilings. Writ

LG Steam Direct Drive: Fancy laundry bags - advertising
As part of an advertising campaign to promote the washing machine LG Steam Direct Drive, fietsmand which leaves no wrinkles in clothes after washing, fietsmand the advertising agency Y & R (Dubai) has developed an unusual laundry bags. Laundry fietsmand bags with the image of a washing machine in the extended local laundry for customers razvozki ironed linen. Laundry fietsmand bags become part ambient campaign with washing machine image distribution on the streets, in the windows of vehicles delivering laundry. Advertising Agency: Y & R, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Chief Creative Officer: Shahir Zag Creative Director: Shahir Zag / Husen Baba Associate Creative Director: Ash Chagla Art Director: Husen Baba Copywriter: Ash Chagla Account Director: Uday Desai Account Manager: George fietsmand Ninan Planner : Nadine Ghossoub
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Thursday, February 13, 2014

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At that time already convinced that small everyday aja1905 details of life, are very interesting for the majority. Indeed, in the American film heroes obranyayut in conversation that "met in the laundry room." aja1905 Since Russia laundry in the same form as in America, otstutstvuyut, after watching another romantic comedy around this consumer services (such prosaic and even tedious here) formed a certain aura of mystery. aja1905 To me it should certainly dispel. At the request of workers interested in telling the truth about the U.S. (New York in this case) facilities. To get started is still noted that the laundry washed, not all, but only those who have no home washing machines. In private homes, these machines are practically at all, and many new apartments. But we have an old house, with electricity problems ... so the owner refused to install energy-intensive washing machines and dryers in the apartments. This situation - the inability to establish aja1905 such pieces in apartments - situation for New York, in particular, for the inhabitants of the old buildings in Manhattan, Brooklyn aja1905 and other parts - the usual. And therefore thrive public laundries. One of which I now I go with you. Theater begins with a hanger. A wash - with trolley, which I stack bag or bags with clothes and other things, it was time to wash. Red door in the entrance, pay attention! Martin's aja1905 Daenerys Targerien all homesick with a red door. I have just such a red door :) Two bags - this is only part of a large washing. I am one, and sometimes two bags at the ready. Given my size, it turns comical sight :) However, I am a strong woman, in good faith, and I bring myself donoshu the whole thing in the laundry, which is a 5 minute walk from the house. Laundromat aja1905 and is what we need! I go to the backyard, I feel so comfortable. In "back door" - packing out washing liquids. They will be sent to the recycling center, which pleases. Washing powder is not very popular, almost always used liquid. I went inside. Look something like a washing machine. They come in small, medium and large. In a large can at a time to wash everything we gathered with Mr. 2-3 weeks. aja1905 But I never do - share things depending on the colors, fabrics, etc. Wash in a small worth $ 2.25, $ 3.25 in the middle, a large $ 5.25. In principle, the bag or bags with linen can be left in the laundry room, and then pick up - clean, dry and neatly aja1905 stacked clothes. aja1905 But I resorted to such services only once, often doing the laundry itself. Scoreboard shows how much you have to pay. Here need to pay these quarters - in quarters - coins of 25 cents. Most new laundries use a different aja1905 system - special cards. But I go to the "old school" coin-operated laundry, because it is closer to me, familiar and ... speak in Spanish aja1905 with the owners and employees can always be. Laundry keeps the family from Ecuador. Before washing need to select: Here everything is simple and clear. Four of them - from gentle to polukipyacheniya. Then - pour powder. aja1905 Pah, powder, and a washing liquid. I also bring it with you. Waiting a few minutes. When the light comes on the car, pour a second portion of the liquid bleach or with the latter must be very careful. I once already spoiled jacket, which came sprinkling bleach. Now we wait. Washing process takes about half an hour of force, the feelings - even less. As a rule, I read books at this time. Sometimes - I communicate with staff and visitors. At this time in the laundry room quiet and deserted. When the machine completes the wash, I plunge underwear here in these carts and I'm taking a tumble dryer. Here they are, with huge drums Uploading them clean and wet laundry - also depending on the nature of the fabric, etc. Some things give dry without drying. In the dryer add a piece here - benefits from static electricity well. Drying is also possible to adjust the temperature, drying time, etc. It usually takes half an hour of reading - and the washing is complete! can only be folded back into the washed bags. But this time I did not want to sit and wait until everything is dry, and went to a nearby small shop with a specific Latin American food. And that's bought one of those pieces of canned cactus! Dealer, moreover, told how to cook them, and what good is obtained from them by adding salad with red onion, tomato, avocado. The next week we will have some on. After drying, everything goes back into the bag and takes home to hang neatly and fits ... to two weeks to repeat aja1905 the procedure with the laundry again. That's an infinite laundry story!
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In large cities, well - lots londromatov. In February, I was in the North. Carolina. In Cary. It stands for Central Area for Relocated Yankees. Had to remain

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

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(When I ... 3 of this, in what white rice? ... 4 Do you want to drink the most. Mother-in-law wife gotta sayings from the dead ... 2 Hachikyu home and silk thread in the "Position 1 There is no ... 6 malicious kindergarten let the piercing hamper baskets daughter what the age of 6 ... 5 says. what ... 5 [Daiki] Abe's interest or become uncomfortable hamper baskets food and proceeds .. . What is ... 8 daughter has troubled the ugly taste you like in ice cream ... 7 What do you put if you were this to 7 lunch.
His wife "mother-in-law is causing a DNA test of the baby ... 1 husband a child, open the ... 1 post this morning surprised! ... This mother two women with one child, for (his wife It is a demon [] ... 3 ... complaint, please ask someone in the mother-in-law). yesterday is ... 4 OL. core business in other than a little more margin ... that of a child there is a ... 3 womb before hamper baskets storage . to forgive me now ... 4 hobby Beginning trouble with four brother-in-law fiance for partners ... 5 birthday has the name of the. couple ...
If you do not have a two-wheel bike 1 Normal, commuter bike ... 2 husband announcement of MT server ... 5 Honda fast-Recommend 4 125cc ... About three family bike riders keep Hayabusa~tsu to market from! In ... or scooter moped ... 9 Do, contact .... 10 your snow later [snowsuit strongest] tell me so much ... 8 Te ... 7 trike Harley Tsu such as Little Cub 6 Super Cub recommended by off-road ...

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

If you do not have a two-wheel bike 1 Normal, commuter bike ... 2 husband announcement of MT server

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I am troubled or trying to helmet Arai, simpson, SHOEI, of any manufacturer. So, I think for those users and detailed, and I want you to tell me features and advantages, disadvantages of each, and asked a question. Thought this was going to SHOEI is best either when Arai seen reliability and safety, 1560 brand personally but, shimpson 1560 distinctive design is cool was also worried. Anything so do not know, please let me be helpful opinion and knowledge of all of you, please.
Until now, you manufacturer supplies ... bike think likes goods manufacturer and are thinking of had made soon the ventilator helmet 1560 Tekima ... helmet Simpson uses SHOEI, Arai, the NABA for Simpson motorcycle helmet search results of "shoei simpson" Please tell me. In addition, function, have started using ... everyone. I have a question about ... consider bike helmet to buy "DIAMONDBACK" of the helmet in the "Simpson". I bought a Super Bandit SIMPSON ...
Arai compact have Innovation circle hat body. Shield replacement is easy if used, but it is a little difficult 1560 to get used. It is difficult to spear shield unlock up once in a while that the glove. It is a cramped feeling when you suffer because there is a strength 1560 of the cap body, but the highest comfortable wearing it once through. Like no design has changed from the old days basically? ? Leading manufacturers world-famous. SHOEI Depending on the size, but the cap body is (M hat body other than the Z-6) impression that it is slightly bigger 1560 than the Arai. Comfortable when you suffer hat body is supple! Comfortable wearing is also good. Do not need the familiar shield replacement. I can certainly anyone. Opening 1560 and closing of the shield, the shield unlock, etc. is likely to be with closing the glove. Inner visor system helmet such as aero edge spoiler with each model, rich lineup. Leading manufacturers world-famous. SIMPSON is ..., cool anyway!
I can not say which is nice and the shape of the head is different from some people. You were using Arai much from the old days, but who here has not match I have switched to the Shoei recently me. Moreover, the cap body is not're thinking about aerodynamic spherical it's Arai. The only cheating by attaching the wings. And is threatened to take off the helmet is lifted if able to run at high speed. But you are quite right and stable After the Shoei. winter's comfortable guy the shield is not clouded 1560 in standard sticks. How can you get any Te Simpson? Yellow creature.
Shield fitted with seat this product ... it is attached to the shield 1560 shield, of with-pin lock'm good or rather full face Met ... of Shoei, sold separately as "fog-free sheet" is not clouded at all! ! It 's not hard to level cloudy, cloudy or something immediately, disappear ... and "not clouded"! ! ! It would be temperature difference, but who tries to breathe on purpose, 1560 but it is not clouded natural ll all. Per cent visibility is good, too wide a shield that CW-1, among others. Type of Met to adapt are also many. Therefore Shoei strongest! ! ! Performance ... You Met itself? ? Calm and Okya choose Shoei or Arai! ! ! This looks Simpson (tut
I am wondering on whether 1560 you are buying one of the SHOEIX-TWELVE questions and SHOEI VS Arai Arai RX-7 RR5 "shoei, simpson" on. ... Do you think which is the good and Arai SHOEI in the ... full-face helmet to what size of helmet SHOEI's because I 59-60 equivalent size of the helmet of Arai. It is SHOEI ... beginner's bike that jacket SIMPSON to SHOEI helmet Is it safe helmet coordinator ... SHOEI now. Racer of Tomizawa Sachi Daijiro Kato 也等 and died many ...
You ask the ... 2 everyone in love with Tsukasa on the company but there are one husband. It is Valentine's Day everyone ... 3 guys tomorrow! ! ... I am troubled with listen ... 5 Body Type episodes of love of excitement cry 4. Left foot of Xena Final ... 8 girlfriend 1560 of seven diet supplement stores that have been raped by teacher ... 6 classroom past the 30-year-old has been removed. Olympics this ... 9 this time, large ... 10 16-year-old girls, high school freshman girls jump. Seriously ...
(When I ... 3 of this, in what white rice? ... 4 Do you want to drink the most. Mother-in-law wife gotta sayings from the dead ... 2 Hachikyu 1560 home and silk thread in the "Position 1 There is no ... 6 malicious kindergarten let the piercing 1560 daughter what the age of 6 ... 5 says. what ... 5 [Daiki] Abe's interest or become uncomfortable food and proceeds .. . What is ... 8 daughter has troubled the ugly taste you like in ice cream ... 7 What do you put if you were this to 7 lunch.
His wife "mother-in-law is causing a DNA test of the baby ... 1 husband a child, open the ... 1 post this morning surprised! ... This mother two women with one child, for (his wife It is a demon [] ... 3 ... complaint, please ask someone in the mother-in-law). yesterday is ... 4 OL. core business in other than a little more margin ... that of a child there is a ... 3 womb before storage . to forgive me now ... 4 hobby Beginning trouble with four brother-in-law fiance for partners ... 5 birthday has the name of the. couple ...
If you do not have a two-wheel bike 1 Normal, commuter bike ... 2 husband announcement of MT server ... 5 Honda fast-Recommend 4 125cc ... About three family bike riders keep Hayabusa~tsu to market from! In ... or scooter moped ... 9 Do, contact .... 10 your snow later [snowsuit strongest] tell me so much ... 8 Te ... 7 trike Harley Tsu such as Little Cub 6 Super Cub recommended by off-road ...

Monday, February 10, 2014

It seems to catch a glimpse of American culture, I

Good evening. People who worship God and Atakushi! ! There is Shi dreamed. A frame longevity popular feeling anime black American from "The Simpsons" today. In fact this anime, Atashi a big fan, some also have a DVD box. The'm a daily routine is to have an evening drink to fish avoid it. This anime, there are times when you are in a gay story sometimes, even a regular character, Sumisazu of the primary laundryview work or tub was 専野 wax-only aging loves Barnes president. And talk of "remodeling plan of Bart Homer" of Season 8 so we are looking at on the theme of Gay, I'll introduce laundryview its contents.
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9 月 (5) 10 月 (4) 11 月 (5) 12 月 (4) 2013 (64) 1 月 (1) 2 月 2014 (5) (5) 8 2009 ( Out of the closet [Geki pain that it is a main character Wentworth-Miragei topic of gay 7) to exit the more you imagination a little bit in [maniac] erotic wards image "The Simpsons" degree we picked up the "Prison Break"? Epilator Panasonic] "Soie" I tried using. It is said to be "because there it hit the general" risk Takarazuka Moon Troupe performance "Lupin" and "Fantastic Energy!" Floor masturbation firefighters two gay video appearance in June (8) 7 月 disposal (3) 5 October (4) 11 月 (6) 12 月 (3) 2012 (77) 1 月 (7) 2 月 (5) March (6) 4 月 (6) Month (6 February (4) March (4) 4 月 (11) 5 月 (6) 6 月 (7) 7 月 (9) 8 月 (10) 9 月) (4) June (4) 7 月 (4) 8 月 (5) 9 月 (7) 10 月 (2) 11 月 (2) 12 月 (6) 2011 (51) 1 2009 ( November (3) 12 月 (8) 2010 (57) 1 月 (6) 2 月 (2) March (3) 4 月 (4) 5 月 4) (2) March (5) 4 月 (6) 5 月 (7) 6 月 (4) 7 月 (6) 8 月 (6) 9 月 (4) 10 月 (4) 2 月July (10) 8 月 (6) 9 月 (8) 10 月 (6) 11 月 (6) 12 月 (4) 2009 (45) 1 月 (6) (9)
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Sunday, February 9, 2014

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I think most about the size water_polori's, to compare the actual bike supply stores leading. laundry games But small jet ...... name of Simpson Simpson is, to be sure, but the impression that rehash basis I do not deny. I do not mean to flatter myself because it uses but, Paonia, which was promoted to the category of small jet is BUCO. To pass the safety standards of Japan in the form small-sized, such as the helmet of old days, it was made even though it is not in the helmet full-time at a time when helmet manufacturer of major is not only produced jet helmet large hat body is this brand The is is beginning. I can say that private property is also the case has been turned on in the development costs, shall, individual companies laundry games vintage helmet mania was made from scratch, so to speak. Alright safety, so also great feelings for the finish or paint, it is recommended laundry games quite personally.
Nice! 0 Flag answer laundry games Date: 2012/9/6 20:49:10
Bike helmet question Simpson "Simpson, Jet Hell" on the helmet ... Simpson V-ROD per? Harley and look good I bike suits best to helmet of? Simpson do you and should not be used on public roads I have a question about. Until now, I'm laundry games having problems in choosing laundry games Tekima helmet bike ... Use SHOEI, Arai, the NABA for Shinpuso ... Simpson motorcycle laundry games helmet as a motorcycle helmet. laundry games Simpson Arai, Shoei Doregai ...
If you do not have a two-wheel laundry games bike usually 1, 2 ... for family bike rider to release the announcement of ... 4 Honda keep Hayabusa~tsu commuter bike 3 husband! Kentaro's ... 5 of 5 stars expert is recommended you so much ... 9 Te trike .... 8 Harley Tsu MT server such as Little Cub ... 7 Super Cub fast Recommend ... 6 125cc What you're riding in ... 11 kawasaki Estoreya Do [snowsuit laundry games strongest] tell me ... and pulley 12 by off-road ... 10? The PCX etc. If any database ... 16 Majesty and 125 (CC11 0) resistance ... 15 Kurosukabu and (water resistance feature of Nanigao ... 14 grease various' s car navigation systems ... 13 bike to a moped, laundry games etc. acquaintance ... my ... yes 21 cc motorcycle which can run the Afutafu ... 20 ... 19 and fast backfire that is Mori Tsu take the two-wheel off-road license ... 18 usually the best 17 you think There HY OSUNG Korean Optional insurance fee of 23 400cc bike, license laundry games plate of think ... 25 moped and so purchased a turnip .... 24 Honda genuine parts (Hyo ... 22 two-wheel Honda This is what you mean ... 29 Dona Dona hear single-cylinder engine ... 27, two-cylinder, 4 ... 28 Red Baron is not evil reputation ... 26 Dragster 250 (DS250) and make a ... and why be so buy bikes for the first time ... 33 to upkeep of ... 32 250cc 400c c ... 31 bike helmet made of cork detail and attached to the upkeep of the two-wheel 30 is large, X and CB ... 34 CB1300SF 36 bike ... everyone Tteyuu 200duk laundry games e of ... 35 KTM is two or moped and ... 38 moped kind Eteku's teaching how to get license of either the S HOEI ARAI .... 37 moped either JR1300 What 39 GB250 Clubman actually bike which can run Model Year 2014 ... 40 fast, the XR250 ... 42 highway and CRF 250m of new 41 Honda falcon, Tsu what ... 43 Big scooter the difference of and with regard to any insurance of the field ... 44 bike why Te, and ridden to ... 47 new PCX is overlooked by the release agent coating .... 46 bike in bike for election of the current beauty ... 45 125cc who was, you lost in the ZRX 400 or What? ... 50 XJR400 ... and 49 blow-by gas After riding of American ... 48 400cc your impressions. of 10 Next ... or 10
Bike helmet question Simpson "Simpson, Jet Hell" on questions about helmet V-ROD per ... Simpson? Harley I bike suits best to helmet of? Simpson do you and should not be used on public roads is. And as a motorcycle helmet ...
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