Saturday, May 31, 2014

This technique is not for those posramezhlivite because mirrors are excellent for mental stimulatio

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Silk handkerchief or tie, nonetheless, it is a great tool to put a veil over the eyes of your partner. When one sense, no other work more. Belt or pants, is a much better tool than handcuffs to tie your partner in bed.
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This technique is not for those posramezhlivite because mirrors are excellent for mental stimulation and exercise of najerotskite dreams. Depending on your mirror postvenosta can try different positions, but always looking at your reflection in it.
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Friday, May 30, 2014

Why not in the locker room Certainly many times while you were shopping with your partner you enter

Spice Up your sex life |
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For everyone's sex life would come good little refreshment or at least a few new ideas. If you're bored to always make love in the same way, take matters stackable into their own hands, and certainly partner will be grateful.
Make it Making love on a chair while sitting partner, who sits on a chair may not be the most innovative way, but it is forgotten. Girls enjoy this position because it gives an incredible sense of mastery and control over their partner. stackable
Try washing the girl should sit on the edge of the washer and called his partner, or he needs to know when is the right time to enter the bathroom. Many women who have tried it say that the vibrating machine have brought several orgazami row. Em will wash the clothes, the more you experience the pleasure. Why not try?
Gather courage and do it in the library This is certainly a dream of most men and women. There's something in the environment that causes hormones. This does not mean you have to gave a show to the people stackable in the library, but little foreplay is too much. In each library there is a place rarely stackable visited, right there among the shelves of books, stackable you can share several passionate kisses and touches.
Try and park This does not mean the playground where you can see the children and their parents, but on a secluded bench, away from the eyes of people, where you have privacy. Since partner will strive to be quiet, it will bring additional excitement.
Why not in the locker room Certainly many times while you were shopping with your partner you entered the locker room to try some things. Sex of speed behind the curtains of a locker room is not reserved just for movies, but for couples who need excitement. It is important stackable to begin the important thing is to be quiet.
For and against friendly sex February 26, 2014 | 15:09
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Thursday, May 29, 2014

1 Month Alenka Bratushek today will resign Kosta Petrov: foreign shores remain barren 1,000,000 dol

Want to save energy? Here are 12 tips to lower bills |
Related Forbes Jordan remains the richest Macedonian-who gratification definition is here in the region! Visar Fida RTL: Macedonia an attractive place for investment liberalization pzar bring lower energy bills up to 40% stable exchange rate and low inflation - Strategic objectives of the Bank enters the "Philip Morris" - stability and security for tobacco farmers
Almost no household appliance that constantly use, and that can save electricity. Here are 12 tips bills to be significantly smaller: Basic requirement for low electric bills is all home appliances to use at night when electricity is four times cheaper than in the daytime.
Electricity gratification definition savings are possible even during the day. For example, if you cook lunch with the pot lid, power consumption is ten times smaller than when food is prepared without cover. gratification definition
In winter days electricity savings can be achieved by proper selection of heating devices. Kaloriferite heaters and should be avoided, because they consume three times more electricity than air conditioners. It is best to opt for marble tiles or thermal ovens that accumulate heat during the night.
The biggest long-term energy savings can be achieved if you have installed devices for heating according to consumption. This type of heating is much more payments may be up to a third cheaper than any other form of heating. gratification definition This type of heating is mostly paid in buildings that are thermally insulated, where you just put the calorimeters can save up to 40 percent of energy, without any saving. gratification definition Heaters and heater-kaloriferite should be avoided for warming the room as significantly increasing electricity bills. Most cost-effective to use thermal ovens or marble slabs. Isolation - the need for warming the room significantly decreases if you incorporate insulation windows. No radiators gratification definition should be covered with heavy curtains. Refrigerator-freezer must be cleaned regularly to catch ice and thermostat must be set at a temperature of 3 to 5 degrees. Washing machine - new washing detergents are effective and at a temperature of 40 to 60 degrees, so it is more and save on electricity. Iron - is well ironed clothes several gratification definition times but only once and it completely dry clothes. Each iron plugging additionally consumes electricity for heating iron. Shower - a shower is recommended instead of bathing in a tub full, thus consumes twice less energy and water. Computer - computers and monitors should be put in standby when not in use, they spend together more than 1,000 kilowatt hours. Dishwasher - to include night when electricity is cheap. The machine can be used only when it is fully charged. Boiler-best to charge at night, and very effective way to incorporate the apparatus comprising boiler automatically when you get low rates for signal and automatically turns off when you get a signal for expensive tariff.
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Towards the peak

Towards the peak
I have a VIVAKS the steam ei'm super satisfied with the nejze.Mi DOPAGA which is a bit tricky since these ostanative irons and easier to peglaat alistata. mosa new member Posts: 60 Joined: 03 Feb 2011, 23:53 Him dopaǵa 0 they like: 1
I shall Digestibility all possible companies in the iron and vidovi.So steam, without steam ... neleplivi ... I do not know what. Listen to me! If you want a well groomed alist, one could purchase a 0d classically difficult PEGLI using them as our mothers porano.Den deneska the proziveduvaat and are very very effective Aneta new member Posts: 69 Joined: 06 Nov 2010, 15:47 Him dopaǵa: 0 Im a like me: 1
Since the Quadro steam, super e has a vertical board which is particularly good for poosetlivi fabrics and can be peglaat without doping (thumbsup). No. which must Kai irons I have one question: Do you use distilled water or plain? Jas koristam commonly distilled But soon we are wasting zatoašto siphon cuisine ironing and sometimes almost koristam obična.No'm in a dilemma whether it properly (unsure) Michael Member Posts: 116 Joined: 17 Nov 2009, 16:57 Him dopaǵa 0 they like me: 4
Običnata water can make bigor in iron. I Nekogas koristam prevriena water, so I think that is deposited bigorot the Container. I do not care what others use. I know that from time to time some are putting a mixture of vinegar to dissolve bigorot, the AMA does not know in which proportion. (Confus) Debora Administrator Posts: 13866 Joined: siphon cuisine 22 Sep 2009, 17:24 Him dopaǵa 5728 they like: 3760
I have a steam iron on VIVAX, I we got to veridbata and'm satisfied and I'm not otherwise using salt water t.e.kako iron to steam, but only dry ironing with it? But I can say that I rarely use iron, why have not the needs! siphon cuisine Eve one very useful tip to the site when removing them from alištata Washing machine and put them in the basket, Diplo's MUST! Taka zdiplenite alist will you be as well groomed when you are isušat and will not have the need to waste time in board : and be sure to use omeknuvač! Butterfly guard the treasury forumskata Posts: 3362 Joined: 18 Oct 2010, 20:28 Him dopaǵa 688 they like: 462
I have a steam iron on Mike Silvia. Gift is for the wedding. Rarely ironing with it. And attitudes of ordinary water. 'm Satisfied. Nadja Forum Host Posts: 1278 Joined: 26 Aug 2012, 19:03 Him dopaǵa 15 they like me: 65
I have a steam iron on and use distilled water though'm listening you can and prevriena milicka9283 Regular member Posts: 353 Joined: 12 Aug 2012, 19:59 Location: Skopje Him dopaǵa 33 they like me: 63
I have a TEFAL the money. Epten'm satisfied. Weather on board is reduced to a minimum (thumbsup) Filigree Terrestrial member Posts: 982 Joined: 22 Jul 2012, 15:43 Him dopaǵa 839 they like: 588
Come housewife us what iron you buy? (Rolll) (rolll) (rolll) (rolll) does not have to be Such is, so just be good and to iron and not the beauty that we be and stands (rolll) (rolll) (rolll) (rolll) Happy ^ _ ^ Moderator Posts: 2642 Joined: 28 Mar 2013, 12:47 Him dopaǵa 261 they like 1583
happy I've got one of svekrvami mn mn good old ama ama little iron is heavy, and you I preporacuvam my mother in law has a small philips easy and mn good iron (not on steam) and my house is on the money ... merlin Regular member Posts: 344 Joined: 19 Apr 2013, 14:49 Him dopaǵa 394 they like: 167
For steam, the Tefal. I would not be so menuvala Niedna. Plus i have butterflies. (Rolll) Joy Mighty, brave heart forumsko Posts: 1430 Joined: 23 May 2013, 07:48 Location: Skopje Him dopaǵa 1146 they like 1517
Rowenta the steam, I am very satisfied. It is easy, and many doro iron. Otherwise Use distilled water. Vesela Forum Host Posts: 1831 Joined: 06 Mar 2013 13:00 Location: All around the world :) Him dopaǵa 372 they like: 884
Tefal newest model ..... on steam of course, itself automatically to clean, protects against siphon cuisine bigor .... song is peglanjeto not alters with nothing siphon cuisine (thumbsup) Bob Forum Host Posts: 1105 Joined: 20 Nov 2010, 15 35 Him dopaǵa 1528 they like: 873
TEFAL-I and I have, in my prezadovolna sum.i them I kupiv same Customs Forum Host Posts: 1077 Joined: 20 Jul 2011, 08:21 Location: Skopje Him dopaǵa 255 they like: 357
Definitely you will I am taking such karina :) I watch Bob and Joy I have. There are multiple siphon cuisine models or? :) Happy ^ _ ^ Moderator Posts: 2642 Joined: 28 Mar 2013, 12:47 Him dopaǵa 261 they like 1583
I've got Severin disaster of iron, as the first is easy for many to iron the devils to surf the whole (ner), the steam is ama and attitudes if it is not water that I do not use pareata ceeeelo time system and who

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Save the clothing with a strong color, so you wash in cold water and add 80 ml white vinegar in the

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Beautiful pair of jeans will fade, wash your favorite shirt in January with red wine, and shoes that we bought a few months ago already look old? To not visit boutiques often than necessary and not empty your credit card, learn these few tricks that you can em extend the life of your wardrobe. maytag washer and dryer Prevent bleaching of jeans
How many times have you happened maytag washer and dryer to buy a great pair of jeans and after a few washings, the color to fade? Instead of disappointment, use the trick that will make washing your jeans can last for years.
Before maytag washer and dryer the first wash jeans, dip them in a bowl with the same amount maytag washer and dryer of cold water and white vinegar to fix the color. Before the second washing, re-dip them in jeans weaker solution of water and white vinegar, half an hour before washing in the machine, to keep the freshness of color. The 3 liters of cold water, put 3 deciliters white vinegar or more if you notice that the water is still colored. Most important of all, never forget to flip upside down jeans before washing in the machine. This simple maytag washer and dryer step can mean maintaining the quality of the color, the next few years. Save the clothing that has intense color
Save the clothing with a strong color, so you wash in cold water and add 80 ml white vinegar in the last rinse. Do not worry that the clothes will smell of vinegar. While it dries, it will not be the smell and color will Shine. Remove stubborn stains
Almost any stain can be removed if you respond immediately. Use sparkling water or a mixture of soap and hot water immediately when you poturite something. Unless it is a damn bad spot these tricks should immediately clear. A few drops on hard-line shpirt stain of ink or grass, you do wonder. The spots of orange juice or red wine, try to mix a few tablespoons of baking soda and a little water to form a paste. Rub the stain with the paste and wait to dry the fabric before washing. If the stain is already fixed, it does not dispose of the clothes in the container. Instead, buy paint for painting and following the instructions on the package, bojadisajte your damaged piece of cloth in a darker color. It will look like new and should cover unruly stain. Refresh the outfit with black coffee or tea
Bras is best to hand wash in cold water with pelvis and liquid laundry powder because gentle. If however you decide to wash in the machine, purchase special network for washing bras or simply place them in a pillow case. This method of washing lace bra has become such a crust and will not tear nor straps will stretch. So as not to damage bras, to avoid drought in dryers which due to rapid rotation and the heat would damage the tender material. Keep the look of your shoes
After each wearing your shoes, spend it with a damp cloth. Perhaps this sounds too familiar, but regular removal of dust from the shoes is an essential step to prevent the occurrence of cracks and crack, which then can not be repaired. To maintain maytag washer and dryer the correct shape of shoes and heels, step back enough space on the shelf for shoes to be crushed and crumpled newspaper insert inside. Leather shoes are prone to drying because it regularly cleaned with a damp cloth, wax them with color shoes and often premachkuvajte with baby's milk body to maintain humidity. With good care, your shoes always look

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fear is my greatest panasonic washing machine foe. When Vesna Petrusevska was speaking during the r

We are not alone in the battle with Fear |
Related "Drekslmaer": regular salaries, 20 percent higher than the legally guaranteed Official: Philip Morris strategic partner for Tobacco Prilep coming summer - let the mountain! panasonic washing machine Spiro Ristovski: external testing improves the quality of education Croatia: Bankruptcy front door!
Fear is my greatest panasonic washing machine foe. When Vesna Petrusevska was speaking during the recording of my new documentary, I came to strongly embrace the world and tell me that fear every day trying to ruin my life. And he is my biggest enemy. panasonic washing machine Fight, you know, I'll be strong, to endure, but would never force us to lift the bed to look in the mirror because I'm afraid of what you see. Once his power is so strong that you simply have no other option but to capitulate and surrender. And then he runs your life. Already you're in control. You already are nothing. Only a vague picture of what it should be. Just a puppet on fear. So, because of this I decided to write a book about fear. Therefore bezizlesnost feeling that I know that reigns in all of us, and we were making a documentary.
It's interesting to me is when they ask me why I make films. Where did the idea? I make films because my dear veme me to live through such a life in which fear plays a key role. Bored already be a victim. I tired to blame the world for everything that happens to me in my life. I make films because I do not want to live like this already. I do not want fear in my life. I do not want. And I will fight until there is a pulse in me. I will fight because panasonic washing machine I have to fight. I have no other option but to fight. The same goes for you. And you know what, you are not alone in this fight. I found it two days ago, when I watched the final version panasonic washing machine of the film. I felt like someone put me in the washing machine. I felt as spin takes me from side to side. Ego fought, but I struggled. We fought until appear Vesna Petrusevska. panasonic washing machine And suddenly just light. Already ego has no control over me. When I saw Vesna had a feeling that drift across. But floating alone. Vesna was beside me. Together we fought. 17 minute panasonic washing machine fight. And suddenly end. Suddenly only light. I had a feeling that we see eye to eye. I smiled panasonic washing machine at each other. Right then at that point for someone who is just a little microsecond, just then, with absolute certainty I knew that victory over our fears. We won. Defeat fear.
Perhaps all this sounds unrealistic, too poetic and you certainly say that I have too much imagination. Yes, I have too much imagination. But not only me. Now I'm no longer alone, and neither are you. Now we have an army. Now we have a military that will not settle for average. panasonic washing machine Already I do not fight alone, and neither are. You understand what I'm saying when you watch the film.
You will realize when you look at Tony Zen light that perhaps many of you can not even imagine. panasonic washing machine Yes, that Tony, who entertains with music that is vulgar to some. That he is the first fighter panasonic washing machine Tony. The first that will reach out and start a battle panasonic washing machine with fear along with you. After a few minutes the battle joins us and Jelena Jovanova. Tells us that failure is only a projection of ego and nothing more. Again, you are not alone. Sense that fear is premokjen to beat, slowly disappearing. In the fight with us and Tanya Kokev which tells us that without faith in himself this battle will get. Battle and she runs to Vinko Sazdova. She talks about the fear of death. The same fear that has destroyed my life and I believe your. After a few minutes, comes new aid. This time of Trajče and Maggie. They fight this look so easy. They have a sense that fear is about to capitulate. He capitulated. But not without saying Vesna. She administers the coup. And once the fear is gone. Suddenly just love.
Thanks to all who were part of this journey. We thank on behalf of all whose life this film will change. Thank you for the love you gave me. Thank you for showing me that I am not alone. Now we have an army. Now you win. See you tomorrow at 20 am in Sinepleks.
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Monday, May 26, 2014

Letter of confession of yearning

So I wanted to tell you about the ocean. Thundered as Concorde, once I felt that it would break the sound barrier. And I, I pokey kanabeto in the corner of the living room with the TV turned on, before going to sleep nego.Koskite were shaking from the powerful sound. After a while I began to read, less and less is afraid. I felt. Even hitting the waves on the black volcanic 1560 rocks I became comfortable. I wore every day new music. 1560 I started to read a book. Book with many characters and actions all united around him. The ocean seems simple but is not. A small mistake 1560 it can cost a lot, actually can cost lives.
Every morning from bedroom window looked towards Lobos * to see how big the waves do not expect that day. Yes. I wanted to tell you for the Lobos as permanently enchant me with its presence. 1560 I would wake up with it. Every day dressed in different colors. From which side to turn it upright between two larger islands. Is closer to mine. No, but the closest, even within reach of my hand.
At first I wondered 1560 how you razbeream tides. I've never lived at Big water, telling myself: it is impossible for me to razbream. It is the privilege of marine souls of those grown near water. 1560 What they are afraid of the waves and their roar. The passing days, do not even think how the ocean came under my skin. Already quite unconsciously and without any particular effort I felt his movement. Twice daily ebb tide, morning and afternoon and the tide twice - morning and evening. Once the wind will abate it means that ebb tactics. The water slowly recede and peeling off the black volcanic rocks or the bottom naparaveno quiver of golden desert sand. When the wind starts raging tide coming and paying browned rocks or play with the sand, pushed him to the mainland.
I wanted to tell you and the white dove. In his flight, with stretched 1560 krilja through darkness. I wanted to tell you about the desert hills, 1560 as if walking on the moon, not the country. But mostly I wanted to tell a love. No! No! But so much I wanted to give my love, that I was nothing other than to sink into your eyes.
Letter of confession of yearning
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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Coffee thaibizpost day caffeine inspiration Recipes thaibizpost Supplements thaibizpost Facts and f

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First in water add more salts and soak them in her jeans. Let them otstojat about an hour and then wash them in the washing machine. Whether you bought now or already have worn a few times, this procedure fixes the color.
Second new jeans wash them with vinegar. Add one cup of vinegar into the detergent dispenser and jeans wash program for cold washing without detergent and softener. Vinegar also fixes the color.
4th Wash only at low temperatures, and if you have time it is best to wash by hand. Soak them in cold water with detergent and leave for 15 minutes to otstojat, thaibizpost then wash them. The warm water faster thaibizpost retrieves color.
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Rare are the people who do not like the sweet taste of strawberries, but the problem is that they take short, have short term and quickly lose freshness, and thus we shortened the opportunity to enjoy them.
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Saturday, May 24, 2014

And he killed his father and brother so I tied on their bodies!

What do the symbols secomat on clothing labels? |
Buy clothes that need to be maintained in an appropriate way and would continue her life. Every piece of clothing that you buy from the inside edge of a stitched piece of the investigated material are some symbols that indicate exactly how this process should be properly treated and maintained.
The next two characters we see that there are lines under them. The lines are not placed randomly, they indicate what type of program to use depending on what material secomat the product is made.
A line indicates that the piece made of synthetic material and have to wash at moderate speed and at the end of washing should reduce the temperature to avoid unwanted consequences, such as placing the material or color tear of premature turning spin.
If there is no point, then no temperature restrictions postojat.Edna point means washing at low temperature, secomat the maximum is 60 stepeni.Ako has two points program then follows the normal drying of clothes.
If the symbol is in the form of small iron has a point, then it means that the clothes you can iron on 110 degrees for acrylic, nylon and similar materijali.Ako has two points then iron on 150 degrees and it refers to materials such as polyester or wool.
The letter "F" indicates that in no way should be used in cleaning machine products of this piece of clothing. Clothes are cleaned with special solvents and mineral essences that may never be strew machine.
If however the label of your clothes have "P", it means that this piece of clothing dry cleaned, but with the usual solvents and should not have any special secomat treatment because it is a regular process.
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Always rinse them well pillows. The rest of the chemicals can contribute to decay after some time.

What lives in your pillow - not to put his head on it - here's how to clean |
Do you have pets? Regardless of whether your dog sleep with you or not, if it is near your pillow, microbes will gather on the pillow. Even greater maytag bravos washer danger if you let the dog sleep in your bed. It will cause bacterial infections and possible appearance of various parasites. Dan warns of opsaniot parasite "Tokoplasma Gondi" that exists in cats and can be transmitted to humans, this parasite can invade the brain.
Mites Dark, warm and wet bags are the ideal place for them - there are over two million in your bed. They themselves are not a problem but their droppings cause. If you wake up with a stuffy nose or itchy eyes, and you have the urge to sneeze, do not you think it's cold but it was the work of these tiny organisms.
Dead skin cells around a thousand dead skin cells and leave the pillow perutot in a minute. This is normal and inevitable process, but when the lights are off, be aware that grinjeto climb on pillows and eat what comes from your skin.
When Dan analyzed more than 1,000 homes found in mushrooms iljda pillows. maytag bravos washer Most were harmless, but found the "Aspergillus fumigatus" mushroom maytag bravos washer which lowers immunity and exacerbates asthma.
The surface of the pillow has a close relative in your home, and that is you shell Zi, research suggests. There are high concentrations of human DNA, dead skin and debris from feces. It is inevitable because traces of stool is always the body and the clothing and through them spread throughout the home.
Always use a pillow case, to continue her life. Fabric always washed at high temperature and regularly to remove all the dust that accumulated. Alter the headlining maytag bravos washer pillow once a week. Keep more in case you do not have time to wash each to change.
Always rinse them well pillows. The rest of the chemicals can contribute to decay after some time. This is especially true where the feathery pillows detergent will do less feathery and delicate.
Check the labels on the pillows themselves whether to allow drying machine. Most of polyester and cotton can bear high temperature but check the label. Simply drying pillows consuming more time.
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Friday, May 23, 2014

About the Author curious journalist with research spirit in the eternal quest for creativity dose.

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Old jeans, scissors, scalpel, pencil, table board for chopping and washing machine. That is all you need to do these modern retro shorts, a pair of old jeans that catch dust for years in your cupboard. 1st Wear old jeans (long or short) and mark with pencil clothing, to exactly where you want to be their length. 2nd Take off jeans with scissors and start cutting the semicircle outside the inner edge. Allow greater top loading washing machines length top loading washing machines at the inner edge, because you look better if shorter at the outer edge. Cover both trousers and mark it neisechenata trousers, to potkastrite identical. Third again put them shorts and see if you like the length. top loading washing machines Correct them a bit so if you prefer. Once you get the desired length, place the board on the kitchen table with a scalpel and make a few horizontal lines on one trousers and several other shorter. Taking care not to cut into the pockets and the back of his pants. Fourth wash shorts in the washing machine, so the blue stitches to become white and to take more definite get open. For more strings to shake, top loading washing machines use tweezers and pull them slightly. Let the shorts dry and then see if you like. If you want more cuts ahead, repeat the procedure with a scalpel and washing machine until you become satisfied.
About the Author curious journalist with research spirit in the eternal quest for creativity dose. Em life motto is that no morning top loading washing machines coffee, no song sung without a little hype is not to pass any day. Relax with nice music, deep movie or a walk in nature in good company. Believes that good advice and astrology to help em understand themselves top loading washing machines and the world around her. Unfulfilled dream - to walk the world.
Date: May 20, 2014
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Thursday, May 22, 2014

6th If your washing machine has taken odor in the container for powder add half a cup of baking sod

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Flash News Danube coming, but not Golubac | European defense Golubac rowena the Danube (PHOTO) Water retreats, but the scars remain rowena | So far unseen photos of overflowing Paracin (PHOTO) scandal in Croatia | Do these photos prove that the embankment is accidentally crashed? Photo / Video Tunguskiot meteorite | New Version: Nikola Tesla save the world? Documentary HGSS in Action | How the flooded village to rescue enraged bull? New Video earthquake in Bosnia and Herzegovina | Suitable Sokolac Macedonia payments rowena using 100 thousand euros for Serbia and BiH FBI has a problem with the staff, because IT experts smoke marijuana Response MOI of journalistic complaint developments in Gorce Petrov "Radikal" | miners Soma were equipped with "death masks"
Washing clothes and maintaining a routine, but regardless rowena of experience and habits are little secrets and rules that can really make the job easier. If you have not tried, try these tricks that give excellent results
5th Before placing izmienata clothes rowena in a tumble dryer or before starting the ironing, a good check on your clothes remained a stain, because the high temperature will only further pinning the fabric.
6th If your washing machine has taken odor in the container for powder add half a cup of baking soda and place it on a short wash. Sodium bicarbonate will remove any unpleasant odors.
8th vinegar is the best means to protect the material and acts as a softener. The program for rinsing, add one cup of vinegar and your clothes will stay soft. Vinegar also can add and for hand washing.
14 May, 2014
Danube is coming, but not Golubac | European defense Golubac the Danube (PHOTO) moving moment of motherly love | Mother Bear saves her from certain death a little - Video SMS of the day | What when wrong guy to admit that the guy is gay! Water subsides, but the scars remain | So far unseen photos of overflowing Paracin rowena (PHOTO) scandal in Croatia | Do these photos prove that the levee is not crashed by accident? Photo / Video
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Organic nuts for washing clothes gourmands
Organic walnuts, fruit of the plant "Sapindus electric dryer Mukorossi" that grows on the slopes of the Himalayas in India and Nepal. It is a natural and highly effective replacement electric dryer for chemical detergent. It is used in washing clothes, ideal for sensitive fabrics such as linen, wool and silk, because the color guard. Moreover, these walnuts are an ideal choice for people who are prone to allergies and have skin problems.
These walnuts are biodegradable and odorless. The clothing and bedding and provide natural softness without the use of fabric softener. One kilo of walnuts sufficient washings 180-250. You can find some of the bio shops or health food stores.
How are they used? Used 1.5-4 shells orevchinjata 4 washes at a temperature of 30-50 degrees, or 2 washings temperature 60-90 degrees. The scales are placed in a small cotton bag. The bag is placed between the clothes in the washing machine.
2009-2014. All rights reserved. electric dryer | "Gourmets" is a registered electric dryer trademark. The material and content published on the portal are the intellectual property of the publisher and may be used only for personal, non-commercial needs. Prohibited to copy, download, modify, adapt, or any other use of content without prior written permission from the owner of the rights.
Series: Green Kitchen (part 3) Close

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Cabinets for cosmetics, towels and cleaning would be desirable to be on the wall, hanging, or built

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Small rooms are more complex editing best washer and dryer 2013 and equipment, especially when it comes to bathrooms. Bathtub, washing machine, sink, WC - Shell ... are some of the things fixed that need to be inserted into several squares. But with a few helpful tips, your space can be fashionable, beautiful and functional.
Colors are an important thing that you need to pay enough attention to if you want the small space seem larger. Turn away from dark colors on large surfaces that reduce space. As colors that perfectly fit the bathroom is green (always fresh), blue (aqueous part), white (always clear), pink, peach color ... and similar pastel colors. Be careful with the use of brown color, which if not used with a smart-bordura best washer and dryer 2013 can easily give the epithet best washer and dryer 2013 * dirty bathroom.
Dezenite as lines, squares, flowers, which are abundant in a bathroom to freshen best washer and dryer 2013 up. But be careful not to overdo, since the thin line between good and kitsch. For small bathroom Even a wall, or part of it decorated with bordura, or row tiles. He boards a row, horizontally if / horizontal, will visually expand the space, but if you already want to emphasize the height should be set vertically.
Cabinets for cosmetics, towels and cleaning would be desirable to be on the wall, hanging, or built that are mounted under the sink. Choose simple, smooth surfaces, and as far as mirrors, can have a greater number, or at least bigger.
Avoid choosing massive tubs and sinks large as they currently can block the whole area. Corner bathtubs or showers, can provide additional space for locker or WC - shell.
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You just will you need Soon after the bebušot. (Thumbsup), and I seriously contemplate. mks instrum

Are you satisfied? What brand do you have? Positive and negative? Contemplate a while for her. Zimno time's Sesame alištata the oven. (Unsure) [list =] [/ list] Debora Administrator Posts: 13830 Joined: 22 Sep 2009, 17:24 Him dopaǵa 5672 they like: 3736
We now epten almost kupivme Dryer alist. Under fire is, for now is now super satisfied sum. Lady D Forum Host Posts: 1531 Joined: mks instruments 01 Oct 2010, 17:24 Him dopaǵa 10 they like me: 22
You just will you need Soon after the bebušot. (Thumbsup), and I seriously contemplate. mks instruments I know some how to move the price of the machine? Debora Administrator Posts: 13830 Joined: 22 Sep 2009, 17:24 Him dopaǵa 5672 they like: 3736
I think that I'm zemav 16-17000 brand zanussi - Washing Machine mks instruments and we will zanussi and sum prezadovolna Washing Machine must have a centrifuge so I do not know how much vrtezi - I think 600 or 800 min to alistata can not you put them in the dryer ( It applies mks instruments to all) is desirable to have a partition for collecting water (think A condensation) - After this water is used for iron (Baska you smell the prasokot), I also use it for jonizatorot :) If no partitions will have to have hose pareata and so is difficult for me to why crevoto will have to be presented down the wall Ana Terrestrial member Posts: 792 Joined: 20 Nov 2009, 12:24 Him dopaǵa 1 they like me: 11
My only 400 vrteži means is disqualified. (Sad1) A Unable to'm shifts, and not go wrong with anything and has never seen or master. Debora Administrator Posts: 13830 Joined: mks instruments 22 Sep 2009, 17:24 Him dopaǵa 5672 they like: 3736
Search results terrace, mks instruments we only have a small lodge (just as half-open potorija of 1 m2) Kaj what should mks instruments we dry Alista, ama For as much as most neighbors gotvat darkness vines are filled with cockroaches and lebarki and alistata place purely to mirisaat, smrdat mks instruments the roux . thus we need to epten Dryer Alista Ana.I Terrestrial member Posts: 707 Joined: 27 Oct 2010, 22:03 Him dopaǵa 0 they like 7
Ana wrote: I think that I'm zemav 16-17000 brand zanussi - Washing Machine and we will zanussi and sum prezadovolna Washing Machine must have a centrifuge so I do not know how much vrtezi - I think 600 or 800 min to alistata can not you put them in the dryer (it applies to all) is desirable to have a partition for collecting water (think A condensation) - After this water is used for iron (Baska you smell the prasokot), I also use it for jonizatorot :) If no partitions will must have a hose pareata and so is difficult for me to why crevoto will have to be presented down the wall Ana gave all true that a tumble I gather pamucnata and pletenata clothes? From what doadja do it? Sum ever thought that kupam.I input the topic Zanussi me I falat. Trena Terrestrial member Posts: 540 Joined: 01 Nov 2010, 12:05 Him dopaǵa 0 they like me: 4
Girls Help me if you have experience with Dryer Alista, wither you in it Alista with patents and metal button state in which gi is the children's body, spikozni? a knitted work wither you? You kupiv Dryer but in the Instructions writes that no sesame with metal accessories, and on the other site trousers, mks instruments sweater blouse sukni dresses have a patent? (Confus) and uste something, site Dryer ispustaat moisture when the drought? I took a i with the Beko tube for ventilation of the older models, the cudam given by those with a capacitor which is, and whether they ispustaat humidity in the room? pigtails Regular member Posts: mks instruments 272 Joined: 10 Aug 2010, 09:08 Him dopaǵa mks instruments 0 they like me: 10
I pigtails in my sesame is so no aber of rasipuvanje. As it vikas every piece of clothing mks instruments has a patent or else something metal so that put him and I thought (lol) Happy_Mommy Forum Host Posts: 1034 Joined: 17 May 2011, 21:34 Location: USA Him dopaǵa 5 they like: 77
And we stavame mks instruments with patents, buttons and the like, ama baby stuff fails to droughts in the machine, not just nicely, commonly bedding and towels are in mašinata.i onaka HEATING is now released, and it has iskoristuvam for saat during the dry alištata, machine in two saati will be vrtat and again at the end is not completely dry, and mirisaat so fresh. I think that they, with the capacitor ispuštaat humidity (confus) once I worked mks instruments at a hotel and in the room had a huge bed sheets for the dryer and prozorot had to say always mks instruments to be podotvoren, otherwise the air will stop odvraten, I suppose because of moisture (unsure) Marina Terrestrial Article Posts : 997 Joined: 22 Mar 2011, 16:00 Location: Giessen, Germany Him dopaǵa 4 they like me: 22
Fala female in rapid response, so now is as staviv to sesame came out very nicely, as renewed my alistata (smile) Marina to why not make a baby Alista that are dried in it? pigtails Regular member Posts: 272 Joined: 10 Aug 2010, 09:08 M

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

hahahahaha reklmava is unbelievable! first thought is this thing really going on in the background,

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When it comes to appliances, like lack of inspiration marketing agencies. We can not say that doing counterproductive ads, but most of them are extremely boring and too strong resemblance to one another. First bumped into something spin dryer truly amazing and fun kretivno. It is the latest move by the marketing company "Samsung" spin dryer for its latest model of washing machine. More not to comment, lest you ruin the surprise. You will discover that the only actor in the ad is a big, scary bear and making a perfection.
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, Author: Monica Trajkovska
hahahahaha reklmava is unbelievable! first thought is this thing really going on in the background, before you record ad, but then when I saw that deshava spin dryer Actually, I could not stop laughing! really creative
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Saturday, May 10, 2014

smh... been losing interest on ufc cards to be honest until its a day or 2 away because I got tired

May 17, 2012 - Mark Hunt has been forced to pull out of his UFC 146 f!ght against vait Stefan Struve due to an undisclosed vait injury, MMA f!ghting has learned from sources close to the f!ght. As a result, Struve will now face Lavar Johnson on less than two weeks' notice. Johnson last fought just 12 days ago at UFC on FOX 3. He knocked out Pat Barry in the first round of their main card f!ght. Hunt, a winner in his last three f!ghts, has enjoyed a career renaissance in the UFC, so much so that there was a strong online movement to get him to replace Alistair Overeem against Junior vait dos Santos in the UFC 146 main event. As fate would have it, neither Overeem vait or Hunt will end up f!ghting on the card after all. Both Struve and Johnson enter the f!ght riding two-f!ght winning streaks. UFC 146, headlined by dos Santos vs. Frank Mir, airs live on pay-per-view on May 26. Mark Hunt Out of UFC 146; Lavar Johnson Now Meets Stefan Struve - MMA f!ghting vait
smh... been losing interest on ufc cards to be honest until its a day or 2 away because I got tired of getting my hopes up every card and !! happening vait like this.. this is a big loss for mark though,he had alot of buzz/hype/media around him for this one.
Really didn't wanna watch Hunt vs Struve to be honest, I like both dudes and would rather them steer clear of each others path for now because they aren't in each others path, still many f!ghts for each one befor they go ahead and put 'em together. UFC already made us watch Nate Diaz vs Jim Miller and it was hard to watch 2 of my favorites do that I think Struve is gonna be the dude who ends this Lavar Johnson train. Every now and then you get guys who get this hype behind them and the UFC pushes them hard onto fans getting people think they're gonna knock everyone vait out in the 1st until they finally reach their plateau. I think Struve is gonna be it.
Originally Posted by stv18 Sucks, Hunt had a good camp and lost a bunch of weight for this f!ght. With that said Lavar is gonna add another vicious KO to his resume. Quickly moving up the rankings. +1 Struve is not very well these days
Originally Posted by Zaosyn I think Struve is gonna be the dude who ends this Lavar Johnson train. Every now and then you get guys who get this hype behind them and the UFC pushes them hard onto fans getting people think they're gonna knock everyone out in the 1st until they finally reach their plateau. I think Struve is gonna be it. lol there is no Lavar train, he was simply the guy that ended the Barry hype. He is stepping in on short notice its a good opportunity for him to get paid again real quick. This f!ght is pretty meh though to be honest....
Originally vait Posted by PotheadFocker lol there is no Lavar train, he was simply the guy that ended the Barry hype. He is stepping in on short notice its a good opportunity for him to get paid again real quick. This f!ght is pretty meh though to be honest.... Barry never had no hype
Originally Posted by PotheadFocker lol there is no Lavar train, he was simply the guy that ended the Barry hype. He is stepping in on short notice its a good opportunity for him to get paid again real quick. This f!ght is pretty meh though to be honest.... Barry's hype has ended a long time ago
Originally Posted by PotheadFocker lol there is no Lavar train, he was simply the guy that ended the Barry hype. He is stepping in on short notice its a good opportunity for him to get paid again real quick. vait This f!ght is pretty meh though to be honest.... cro cop ended barry's hype a looong time ago
    Boxden.Com - Stay First. Follow BX. > BX Table Of Contents > BX SportsCenter vait Mark Hunt Out of UFC 146; Lavar Johnson Now Meets Stefan Struve     User Name   Stay Signed In?     Password   vait     
[rumor] Microsoft E3 conference games list leaked 62 comments     'what I Be' Project Reveals People's vait Darkest Insecurit... New reply 1 minute ago - 58 comments - by gangsta_blck   NBA   Kobe With That Ether! New reply 21 minutes ago - 128 comments - by offdahese    Rewind: Apple Offer To Buy Beats Music .. (roc Da Mic... New reply 10 minutes ago - 145 comments - by ROC da MIC   BOX   200 Gigapixel Photo From The Mayweather Fight New reply 23 minutes ago - 66 comments - by Walt Thizzney     So.... Dr. Dre Won?! Apple Reportedly Considering Buyi... New reply 11 minutes ago - 119 comments - by thaghost36   BOX   Champion Boxer Deontay Wilder Knocks Out Internet Trol... New reply 32 minutes ago - 60 comments - by Adwerdz   NFL   vait Round One Nfl Draft Grades New reply 14 minutes ago - 75 comments - by italiansteve     Rap's First Billionaire: Dr. Dre New reply 1 hour ago - 58 comments - by PotheadFocker Like BX on Facebook Follow BX on Twitter vait 5,720 fans of BX | none new today 4,662 following | none new today  
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Friday, May 9, 2014

patrick cote , Thiago Alves

He was cut from the UFC, and 23 seconds into his Bellator debut at Bellator 102 on October 4, 2013, Lavar Johnson was face down on the canvas seeing stars. piero san giorgio But the heavy-hitting slugger is getting another crack at Bellator glory, with a berth secured for him in the organization’s next tournament, which is set to begin on April 4. Will Johnson get further than the quarterfinals this time around? Judging by the other competitors listed and the tournament brackets, he has a very real chance piero san giorgio of at least some of the success his fellow UFC castoff Cheick Kongo found (Kongo won the tournament last season).
patrick cote , Thiago Alves
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Thursday, May 8, 2014

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Lavar Johnson vs Blagoi Ivanov (Bellator FC 116) This event is over. Outcome Odds Total Bets Total Staked Lavar Johnson 31/20 (1.55) 2 750000   Blagoi Ivanov 20/33 F (0.61) 1 2000000 WIN!  
Gabba Gabba Hey
Quote: R1: Ivanov times his clinch entry on Johnson's punch and puts him on the fence with underhooks, doggedly pursuing a single leg and eventually getting it. Ivanov drops back for a straight foot lock and then switches to a heel hook but Johnson sits up and clobbers him with right hands, persuading him to bail on it. They stand and Johnson pushes Ivanov on the cage but his head is too low and deep, allowing Ivanov to muscle him down from the front headlock. Ivanov snakes his arms in for a guillotine and Johnson hoists him up with a high crotch takedown rotary dryer and slams him to the canvas. Ivanov stays with the guillotine and Johnson passes to mount, causing Ivanov to release the hold and they separate. They clinch and Ivanov rotary dryer drives Johnson into the fence and tags him with a hard shot. Head and arm hip throw from Ivanov, who lands in scarf hold position and traps the arm with his legs. With Johnson's right arm trapped, Ivanov attacks the far-side rotary dryer arm with a kimura and Johnson is forced to tap. Blagoi Ivanov defeats Lavar Johnson by submission (kimura), Round 1 __________________
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PRELIMINARY CARD (Spike TV, 7:30 p.m. ET) Cain Carrizosa vs. Juan Quesada Jonny Carson vs. Bryan Tra

Trending: Ronda Rousey  • Gina Carano  • pull out shelves UFC Fight Night 42  • Ross Pearson  • Holly Holm  • UFC On FOX 12  • Antonio Rogerio Nogueira  • Anthony Johnson  • UFC 175  • TJ Grant  • pull out shelves T.J. Grant  • Nate Diaz  • Gilbert Melendez  • Miesha Tate  pull out shelves • Michael Bisping  • Luke Rockhold 
The 12-bout lineup pull out shelves for next week’s Bellator 102 lineup is complete, and it includes a heavyweight tournament bout between Lavar “Big” Johnson and Vinicius “Spartan” Queiroz.
Johnson (17-7 MMA, 0-0 BMMA) and Queiroz (6-3 MMA, 1-1 BMMA) join Mark Godbeer (8-1 MMA, 0-0 BMMA) and Cheick pull out shelves Kongo (18-8-2 MMA, 0-0 BMMA) in the semifinals of Bellator’s four-man pull out shelves Season 9 heavyweight tournament.
“Bellator 102: Godbeer pull out shelves vs. Kongo” takes place Oct. 4 at California’s Visalia Convention Center. Like all of Bellator’s Season pull out shelves 9 events, the evening’s main card airs on Spike TV following pull out shelves prelims on pull out shelves
Additionally, Bellator 102 hosts the finals of the promotion’s Summer Series pull out shelves bantamweight tournament final with Anthony Leone (13-5 MMA, 3-0 BMMA) vs. Rafael Silva (20-2 MMA, 1-0 BMMA). Leone earned his spot in the finals with a submission win over Frank Baca at July’s Bellator 97 event. Silva scored a submission over Rodrigo Lima at that same event.
The evening’s preliminary card includes pull out shelves lightweights Cain Carrizosa (4-0) vs. Juan Quesada (2-1), lightweights Jonny Carson (11-6) vs. Bryan Travers (14-3), lightweights Brandon Girtz (8-3) vs. Poppie Martinez (27-8), heavyweights Javy Ayala (5-3) vs. Thiago Santos (11-2), featherweights Scott Cleve (13-3) vs. Isaac DeJesus pull out shelves (10-5-1), welterweights Kenny Ento (13-12) vs. Michael Page (5-0) and heavyweights Brandon Cash (7-3) vs. William Richey (10-1).
MAIN CARD (Spike TV, 9 p.m. ET) Mark Godbeer vs. Cheick Kongo – heavyweight pull out shelves tournament semifinals Lavar Johnson vs. Vinicius Queiroz – heavyweight tournament semifinals Anthony Leone vs. Rafael “Morcego” Silva – Summer Series bantamweight tournament final Jason Butcher vs. Mikkel pull out shelves Parlo – middleweight tournament semifinals Perry Filkins vs. Brennan Ward – middleweight tournament semifinals
PRELIMINARY CARD (Spike TV, 7:30 p.m. ET) Cain Carrizosa vs. Juan Quesada Jonny Carson vs. Bryan Travers Brandon Girtz vs. Poppies Martinez Javy Ayala vs. Thiago “Big Monster” Santos Scott Cleve vs. Isaac DeJesus Kenny Ento vs. Michael Page Brandon Cash vs. William Richey
MMAjunkie Radio (noon ET): Joseph Benavidez, Dan Spohn and Soa Palelei
Anthony Johnson vs. Antonio Rogerio Nogueira slated for UFC on FOX 12

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

MMA Oddsbreaker

MMA Oddsbreaker’s Frank Trigg speaks with Bellator 111 heavyweight Lavar Johnson as he prepares for his tournament quarterfinal bout on Friday night (March 7, 2014) against Ryan Martinez at the Winstar Wold Casino in Thackerville, Oklahoma.
The former Strikeforce and UFC standout is looking to get back on track after suffering movietools from a three-fight losing streak, and he feels his physical advantages will help him be victorious against movietools Martinez: movietools
“I see him trying to take me down. I think he’ll stand and try to bang for a little bit until he realized the reach and power, then I see him trying to shoot and take me down just like everybody else. I think I’ll be stronger. movietools I’ve got a lot more leverage. I’m 6’4, he’s 5’11. I think I’ll be able to control him in the clinch and just wear him down.”
Frank Trigg is a mixed martial arts fighter, movietools color commentator, television personality, radio host, and MMA spokesman. He has been involved in the combat sports industry, movietools in some capacity, for more than 15 years.
As a fighter, Frank Trigg has fought for some of the most prestigious fight promotions movietools in the world, including Ultimate Fighting Championship, movietools PRIDE Fighting Championships, Rumble movietools on the Rock, Icon Sport and World Fighting Alliance.
© 5Dimes Sportsbook & Casino. Privacy Policy . Terms of Service . Odds provided courtesy movietools of 5Dimes Sportsbook & Casino .

Newsy z Emil Różewski rywalem Grzegorza Lipskiego mielle na Gali PROMMAC: Skin prostu walc

Bellator 116: Lavar Johnson Vs. Blagoi Ivanov | FIGHTvideos.PL
Newsy z Emil Różewski rywalem Grzegorza Lipskiego mielle na Gali PROMMAC: Skin prostu walcz! you Lublinie Łukasz Rajewski rywalem Łukasza Chlewickiego na KSW KSW 27 Dzień you Płocku - wideo, wywiad z Marcinem Różalskim Grecicho vs. Sergej. Krzysztof Klaczek na Fighters Arena 9! Views Cain Velásquez mielle vs. Antonio Silva - UFC 146 [HD 720] - 28 views 387 Brock Lesnar Vs. Alistair Overeem - UFC 141 [HD 72 ... - 28 views 199 Junior Dos Santos vs. Frank Mir - UFC 146 [HD 720] - 21 views 510 Jon Jones Vs. Lyoto Machida - UFC 140 [HD 720] - 18 928 views Bellator 117: Marking Held Vs. Derek Anderson [PL] - 16 469 views Shogun Rua vs. Jon Jones - UFC 128 [HD 720] - 16 014 views
Views Cain Velásquez vs. Antonio Silva - UFC 146 [HD 720] - 28 views 387 Brock Lesnar Vs. Alistair Overeem - UFC 141 [HD 720] - 28 199 views Junior Dos Santos vs. Frank Mir - UFC 146 [HD 720] - 21 views 510 Jon Jones Vs. Lyoto Machida - UFC 140 [HD 720] - 18 928 views Bellator 117: Marking Held Vs. Derek Anderson [PL] - 16 469 views Shogun Rua vs. Jon Jones - UFC 128 [HD 720] - 16 views 014 Georges St-Pierre vs. Josh Koscheck 2 - UFC 124 [HD 720] - 11 views 304 Frank Mir Vs. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira - UFC 140 [HD 720] - 10 views 000 Anderson Silva Vs. Chael Sonnen 2 - UFC 148 [HD 720] - Anderson Silva vs. Vitor Belfort 9 587 views - UFC 126 [HD 720] - 9 201 views Robert Radomski Vs. Wanderson Silva - KSW Extra 2 - 7 800 views Borys Mankowski Vs. Gust Moks - KSW20 - 7 610 views

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Javier Mendez:

Bellator 116 preview: Heavyweight Tournament semifinals plus Coy/McDonough, Beltran/Matyushenko - Bloody Elbow
A once-over on tonight's Bellator 116 fight card, which features the semifinal round of this season's Heavyweight Tournament, one Welterweight Tournament semifinal and a solid undercard.
Bellator 116 kicks off tonight from the Pechanga Resort and Casino in Temecula, California. Top billing is shared by the heavyweight semifinalists: Blagoi Ivanov vs. Lavar Johnson in the main event and Siala-Mou Siliga , aka " Mighty selecline Mo ," vs. Alexander Volkov in the co-main slot. Half of the welterweight semifinals will also transpire as Nathan Coy meets Adam McDonough while Joey Beltran meets Vladimir Matyushenko in a light-heavyweight feature fight.
The preliminary lineup is a strong one: last season's unexpected welterweight finalist Ron Keslar , who choked out War Machine in the semis, clashes with star Judoka Karo Parisyan , former TUF/UFC product Rob Emerson takes on Joe Taimanglo and Joe Pacheco tangles with Brandon Halsey in the leftover bout from the Middleweight Tournament.
Lavar Johnson vs. Blagoi Ivanov -- Heavyweight Tournament semifinals Nathan Coy vs. Adam McDonough -- Welterweight Tournament semifinals Siala-Mou Siliga vs. Alexander Volkov selecline -- Heavyweight Tournament semifinals selecline
15% Lavar Johnson (14 votes)
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