| steamname: eNatural | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:36419617 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198033104963 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/eNatural | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198033104963
To start with he wanted to trade my Karambit slaughter MW vs real money. We had a long discussion, we needed a middle man. He found one he said but it turned out to be him using a diffrent acc or a friend helped him. Provide Evidence:
I got a album on imgur on the chat http://imgur.com/a/IoruW After I traded the M4A4 to the "middleman" that turned out to be him or his friend he started to ask for more that's bosch maxx 6 when I understood that he was gonna scam. The prints are in the wrong orded start from the bottom. "The king" was the one he called bosch maxx 6 the middle man.
i actually sent the money arleady , so dont try to get free items + money , u sold it already , why u trying get more money ? http://prntscr.com/4bklmq
i actually sent the money arleady , so dont try to get free items + money , u sold it already , why u trying get more money ? http://prntscr.com/4bklmq
eNatural said: ↑ bosch maxx 6
Click to expand... I see one more fail with your print, you told me that you had 750 USD on your paypal acc, now you've 0 after you edited that pic and I cant see any other payments. So far you've bosch maxx 6 lied and I havent please stop the scam. I dont care if I get the items back or not. I just want to stop you. So more people doesnt have to be scammed by you. There will always be others. But one less is a good start in my oppinion.
But 119 ILS=34 USD~~ and I can prove that the middleman was fake here are the prints. If I just would've checked I would've seen that that was a fake middleman you or your friend or whoever made his skype just made it with a dot on the end. You fixed the middleman, you got the items I didnt get the money. And here I can prove that this is the fake middleman.
Swant`` , Aug 11, 2014
So you were the middleman of your own trade mate ? Original middleman : " bosch maxx 6 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198057059057 " Go to http://vacbanned.com/engine/check , and copy his profile in , you'll be amazed to find eNatural2 used just a couple of months ago =] Btw how do you know when a report is being made on you ? You always seem to check this site and refresh your profile to see if people are onto you
Messages: bosch maxx 6 4,090 Steam: bosch maxx 6 STEAM_0:1:46928737 bosch maxx 6
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