Now we take a piece of EVA or mousgami is a rubberized material that is sold in decorative arts stores, I buy in Grau3 (stationery along to the post office and finance do Cacém) because besides having a good price are great sheets and good quality . We cut EVA to the desired extent. To mark this material is used a toothpick and then just cut neck but without reaching the end of scissors to not get to the nozzles. Another trick is to make the material run instead of scissors. If we want to not use this material we can choose to cardboard, card, paapel craft, fabrics, etc. Cola with white glue. The EVA glue with hot glue (requires avsl small gun and glue tubes to put it there for sale in the cheaper avsl Chinese, I have Chinese gun and glue the UHU to be better avsl and have no smell).
And now the best part, the decoration. Paste the start they desire, avsl little flowers, buttons, ribbons, etc. To form the flowers (like the one on the cover) just use the dryer or iron, and the still warm eva give it the desired shape and shake the hand for a while
Put a ribbon. I chose to make a knot type tie instead of a tie, here at home I'm the only girl, until the hamster avsl is a boy! So, I have to give a more masculine touch ace things is for the rest of the group did not complain so much.
Sooo well! Tidy kitchen !!! November 28, 2011 at 08:11
2013 (2) January (2) 2012 (24) December (2) May (10) March (5) February (7) 2011 (125) December (5) November (18) Shop on line together avsl with other simple Crêpes artisans Walkthrough recycling bottle coconut milk cake door ornaments Shop online pure copper rings Guard teeth and other coisitas Port portraits / door knobs Earrings meetings and disagreements Port personalized pacifiers Saloinha of Sintra sweets recadinhos (fruit seller) Swallows avsl Bordallo Pinheiro with swarow crystals ... Bicharada Kittens sleepers Matrioskas from here Brooches oval October (33) September (3) August (2) July (63) June (1 )
Paula D I was born in Angola in 1974, has always enjoyed everything that involves art and creativity. Music, dance, writing, sewing, painting, cooking, etc, etc. In short, I like to live! I have a very special affection for the children and their world can express who I am in a unique way. Like peace, not like that make me ... like to find out, do not like to impose me anything. Like both animals! I liked to live in the countryside ... I'm dreaming, yes, but with his feet firmly on the ground. I want a simple life. View my complete profile
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