Thursday, February 19, 2015

Luc on engine tests for the Pilatus PC-24! Paul Foucaud incehesap Rafale, the Trappier method! Stee

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Engine tests for the Pilatus PC-24! New world records for G650ER! Rafale, the Trappier method! Niki Lauda receives incehesap its Global 6000! Gripen validation of the A-Darter Shots! Dassault Aviation is positioned to the market ... Indonesia is interested in the CH-47F "Chinook"! Finnair is better! Modernization C-5M "Galaxy"! AW139, AW169 and AW189 for Lease Corporation ...
Luc on engine tests for the Pilatus PC-24! Paul Foucaud incehesap Rafale, the Trappier method! Steeve Rafale, the Trappier method! martin Rafale, the Trappier method! Jacques Morin Rafale, the Trappier method! incehesap mustard Rafale, the Trappier method! Steeve Rafale, the Trappier incehesap method! nonmaisdisdonc Rafale, the Trappier method! Jacques Morin Rafale, the Trappier method! forêt10 on Dassault Aviation is positioned to the market ...
Bern, the Federal Council adopted the message on the acquisition of weapons materials 2015 (Armament Program 2015) to the attention of Parliament. With weapons program in 2015, he proposed to parliament to carry out three projects amounting to 542 million francs, including the purchase of new type of UAV Hermes 900. Entry into service incehesap in 2016.
The system of reconnaissance drones will be used to save the exploration capacity for obtaining the image of the situation and recognition of goals after the reform of the system of reconnaissance drones 95 currently in service. Exploration for obtaining the image of the situation is a tool to support military and civilian driving bodies that make decisions, while recognizing targets incehesap used primarily to support the conduct of fire in case of defense against an attack by an armed opponent.
The acquisition includes six UAVs, including the components on the ground, simulator and logistique.Le UAV system can be engaged on the whole of Switzerland from an airfield. It is planned to park the priority incehesap on the Emmen airbase, but the operation is also possible from other military or civilian airfields. The device can take off and land fully automatically,
even in low visibility. It is controlled from the control station to the ground by a drone pilot, using a radio link or encrypted satellite. As ADS 95, ADS 15 is equipped with a camera operating in daylight and using thermal imaging (EO / IR camera). Such a camera provides
As with ADS 95 images in the EO / IR camera are transmitted in real time to the ground station through an encrypted radio link, and then made available to the final recipient, for example, a central civil commitment or the command post of military training. It is also possible to record shots in the drone.
The ADS 15 Hermes 900 can later be equipped with other sensors for additional applications, such as synthetic aperture radar to get the picture of the situation on the ground, or electronic means exploration. Air measuring devices (p. Ex. Radioactivity) can be integrated to meet the needs of the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC). The use of the drone as a relay station for telecommunications networks is also possible. The system has an avionics (avionics) more modern, redundant and meeting the requirements of civil aviation. It is thus possible to respect the civilian flight procedures, simplifying integration in space
Swiss air used jointly by civil and military aircraft. The Hermes 900 also has a set of security systems up to the integration of a rescue parachute. In addition, a system that automatically detects other aircraft ("Sense & Avoid (S & A)") will be integrated. The system initiates an avoidance maneuver if risk of collision incehesap between incehesap the UAV and other aircraft. incehesap The drone must indeed
be engaged in all airspace without being escorted by a manned aircraft. There is still today of S & A system with an international approval for UAVs. The

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