STIGMATUARY - Interview this time we execute with one wicked band from Bandung Stigmatuary. The band plan would be released a full album later this year, but still have not heard from. What happens yuup in the interview summary of this light can we know the reason they still hold the track - track this sadistic for disseminated. AF:-frontal area Beng: Mas beng (vocals Stigmatuary) AF: gmna jga kbar kawan2 stigmatuary? Benk: baik2 Benk: Alhamdulillah both AF: until today .. full jga album.stigmatuary yet released .. whereas according laundromat near me jdwal bkal end of this year yaa .. why it trjadi? Benk: Oh yes hehe thes dah bbrapa x, dr ama matter anyway busy pd Benk: Jd dr ama early sign Rottrevore material was 20% Benk: 6 months more klo ga wrong yesterday began signing ama Rottrevore AF: ouwh pure jdi krna ksibukan masing2 yes bang? Benk: jg Ga, ga sibuk2 so .. yes more to the idea haha Benk: We ga mw make songs roughing it does its core, minimal pengennya other org word "wah bener2 band" Benk: crazy bener2 hhahah AF: iyaap mnding LMA maximum tpi hehe AF: next .. AF: can not tell us a little about the concept of this album, and what its basis you make this theme? Benk: The concept is to tell ktiteria poor human nature, human nature laundromat near me essence crazy Benk: More Unique laundromat near me seems to make the theme a little gore with an explanation of all human beings have a wild side masing2 AF: wiiihh gaanaasss ya think hehe ... Benk: hahha AF: in terms of musicality , whether bkal its kind at a promo cd bang? .. AF: ato whether there is a little change? Benk: There is a tiny fraction of change if I think, three promo dr jg vocal tone may differ laundromat near me lyrc Benk: 3 promo it into the album list dirombak2 little hehe AF: Wooh whether meninggalkn concept Guttural nh. ? AF: hopefully g bnyk brubah .. I personally .. like banggt with that song hehehe Benk 3: More talk kyknya hahaha, more to vocal wrote, because banyal who asked 3 song jgn too much drubah jg anyway AF: a little love share dunk .. bgmna stigmatuary way you are able to draw on this skrng sprti karya2 evil? Benk: I think often sharing Benk wrote: Lots of sharing, argument, what we liked what ga, home jgn fist fights until AF haha wrote:: v hahaha ... AF: Who the hell aj band2 who have menginfluence you? Benk: Well a lot of difference anyway dri kita2 sure that ddengar, one wrote gorgasm, disavowed, laundromat near me cerebral effusion, disgorge, and other brutal bands AF: no leaks do not ya about your upcoming album .. cover artwork, album title, track ato how jumlh that bkal released? Benk: If we do not issue release party label lg tw meditation dlu let tw when exactly the release hahah Benk: Tp January laundromat near me end Insha Allah dah entered the studio, because the material already completed th January pertrngahan make GAID guitar and wait for an empty studio schedule Benk: To artwork wrong dah, dah jauh2 dbikinin day ama rudi gorgingsuicide Benk: For the album title "Decimation of Psyche" contains 10 tracks Benk: Insta fitting laundromat near me Allah we enter the studio artwork already started in introduced into metalhead heheh AF: wooohh the rudi who makes artwork .. Malignant nh hehe AF: move the topic yaahh .... bsa sdikit story .. bgmna bsa d bandung underground metal scene is growing bgtu bsa rapidly. yaa? Benk: According sya more connections to their intentions ngband ama seriously, d Bandung laundromat near me itself very much and that the band really serious, and major PLG may exchange thoughts x yes hahha. AF: ouwh jd often sharing laundromat near me kumpul2 y bang? Benk: We own many other band2 ama sharing counted increase knowledge ahha Benk: Yes there who like to gather some new gigs if d gossiping haha Benk: a gathering point AF: the last nh bang .... bgmana do you think the metal scene ug in Indonesia laundromat near me ... AF: kalisn and opinion about metal poser? laundromat near me Benk: It seems to skrg and future kyknya metal music going further ahead in Indonesia Benk: band2 abroad started many a gig in Indonesia, and has been recognized laundromat near me as possible Benk: munkin future, those who menginfluencekan band2 Indonesia haha Benk: I question the metal pooser name Indonesia bro, there must be cabe2an haha Benk: Yes gmana thought kita2 wrote positif2 thinking that important adverse ga Benk: Pray be true metal pure AF: AF siiiaaappp hahaha: thank ya bang Well that was a little interview with Stigmatuary light. How you ready with their onslaught of next year. Wait, see and execute .. yeah.
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